MovieChat Forums > Cry Freedom (1987) Discussion > Because of Washington yet....

Because of Washington yet....

I watched the film becaused I knew Densel Washington was on it. Though I found out he was only a supporting actor, I was very much touched by the film, especially by the story of the real character Donald Woods.

Many white people in South Africa simply turned their heads away from the situation that black people suffered; some even joined the prosecuation for the protection of their interest without considering what justice was. However, Woods was different. Because of him, we are able to know the truth about Steve Biko, and how he died in some way like Christ.

I saw church played a critical role in this event. Biko was educated by the church so that he was elaborate and good at giving speech. Church also gave a place for Biko's organization. And in the end the church Father helped Wood escape so that Biko's story could be published.

I was amazed how the police treated black people and political prisoners! The death roll listing from the 1960's to 1980's in the end of the film was so long that I lost count. I'm glad it is all over.


I first saw the film a few days ago. I knew just a little about what I was in for from music of that era. About a third of the way into it I paused the DVD, and it took me three days to go back and finish it because I knew how horrific it was about to become. Then yesterday I happened to find Steve Woods' first book, Biko, for sale at a local Goodwill, so now I'm starting the book.
Part of what hurt me was personal: I had tried to be politically active and aware in that era and yet was almost oblivious to what was happening in South Africa; secondly, the thing about refusing to let children speak their native language resonated with my own family's Native American history.
It wasn't over when that oppression was lessened, it isn't over because South Africa's system is better now. This is the sort of thing that requires eternal vigilence, and caring for the fate of others as well as our own. I'm ashamed of how little attention I give such things.

"There are three sides to every story: yours, mine, and the truth." ~ Robert Evans


I tried to find the book Biko, but could not find it here. Good films always inspire me to read the original stories and to research into the charactor.

I think there is oppression everywhere, not just in South Africa. For example, in the rich surface of my society I live in, there are all sorts of poverty or child abuse in the dark corners. Therefore I support the government's social benefit acts and try to do my best in serving the society.

Like the bible says: "You are given(by God) without paying cost so that you have to give freely to others"

reply has used paperback copies as cheap as $0.01 plus shipping.

"There are three sides to every story: yours, mine, and the truth." ~ Robert Evans
