Arrest of Steve Biko
I watched this fine movie twice and I found the event of the arrest of Steve Biko a little ambiguous and unexplained in the film.
1. What was in the boot of the car?
2. Why the policeman couldn't open it? He had the key, obviously?
3. If there was nothing objectionable in the boot of the car, why driver didn't say so to the policeman and didn't try helping the policeman to open the boot?
4. Wasn't Biko mortally afraid at the time of his arrest? Sure he knew he was caught 'red-handed', so to speak.
One more foolish sounding point.
5. Was the last arrest of Biko some sort of an act of bettrayal?! (Cannot rule out the possibility of one, looking at the general way of functioning of the S. African police, at that time. It 'purchased' witnesses, informers and may be 'useful' people of ever kind).
6. When I used the term 'at that time' in the above point no-5, I remembered that last month (August - 2012), the S. African police killed 34 black miners at one of the country's Platinum mine which I believe, is predominantly owned by Whites. On the top of that the S. African police has now accused the miners working here of killing their colleagues!
So, what has changed in S. Africa after the independence?! The police uniform COLOUR?!!!