MovieChat Forums > Creepshow 2 (1987) Discussion > The Raft would make a great 90 Minute fi...

The Raft would make a great 90 Minute film.

Instead of them remaking Creepshow, they should just take one of the segments (THE RAFT) and just make a 90 minute film from it. Tonight ... You!


That's not a bad idea. Extending it wouldn't hurt.



I don't maybe go in depth more about before they went there, the last time that one teen was there and so on.


Yes! This sounds too good to be true!!!! I'd be the first to tune in!!!!!!!!



I agree. That way it can be done accurately!

"Dear God, make me a bird so I can fly...far far away from here" ~ Forrest Gump


I think the greatness of Creepshow is that you can watch a few different action packed small stories in one film.

Despite this, that is still a good idea.

However, creepshow stories usually rap themselves up in a sinister and final blow, The Raft is a prime example.

Most of the segaments are not hugely adaptable.
One that could be brought up to 90 minutes is Ol' Chief Woodenhead. Though this is one of the weaker stories, and would not be so successful.

Extending 'The Raft' would kind of take away it's mystery and edge that made it what it is.


Perhaps a more thorough explanation of what that thing was? Genetically altered experiment gone wrong?

I have a crazy theory:

It was mentioned that Laverne was wearing a shirt that had the college that The Crate from Creepshow 1 had taken place. Were they students there? Could The Raft be called The Crate 2? Remember at the end, when the creature had escaped from the crate at the bottom of the lake....well perhaps it went on from there? Maybe the beast was discovered and whomever tried to kill it didn't quite finish the job. Maybe something went horribly wrong? Perhaps whatever was left was confined to the lake, and then whomever put up the no swimming sign in hopes of keeping the thing confined and a secret?

But this is just my imagination running wild, it's early in the morning and I haven't had my coffee yet.

I have come here to chew bubble gum and to kick ass...and I am all out of bubble gum.


It was an alien look for the spaceshiup near the end in the background as Randy swims for it.


I realize that I am replying to a post from over 6 years ago, but no, just no. The CRATE was a short story written by Stephen King. The Raft was a short story written by Stephen King. There is NO theory or link to them. They are separate entities, but if you need to create a theory that isn't there, all the more power to you.


I agree completely. It should be it's own movie and get the proper treatment it deserves. It's a damn good story.




maybe but "the ruins" sucked


Yeah this would be fantastic as a full length film. It would be quite easy to make into a full film as well. Start off with like 30 minutes before they even get to the lake. You can have the opening credits looming over the lake with quiet but eerie nature noises being the back round music but character development for the rest. Buildup is always good to have in horror films. Look at Halloween, we got to know Laurie, we got to know Annie. You can easily do it in The Raft. Then we have a solid hour with them on the lake, plenty of time for more antics involving each other. I would add one more person though to make it 5 and make The Raft slightly larger in size. It could end up being a Stand By Me on a raft(But with characters in their late teens). Where they end up counting on each other. Plenty of time to knock them off slowly. But like the original story nobody survives. End it the same way they started. Low nature sounds while the credits come up. Once again looking over the lake.

How can a gourmet chef not know how to make rice?


That's not a bad idea. Extending it wouldn't hurt.

Depends where you have the operation done and by what Surgeon.

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he is God.


I could see it happening.


The Raft was originally just a short story from the "skeleton crew" book if memory serves me right.
They changed a few things for Creepshow 2.
But it is very much a short story.

Personally i think The Raft would struggle being stetched out to a 90 minute film. I love the way the Raft is already in Creepshow 2.



Even if they were to produce a 90 minute "The Raft" feature film, there should be no revelation at all as to what the stuff in the water is. The movie should focus on the characters, making some of them likable and others not, and then pitting their terror against the next when theyre surrounded by that monster in the lake.


It was great, like it was.... 15 to 30 minute segment. I pretty much think it would've gotten progressively worse, if extended, like alot movies.

Some movies would be great, if they were a bit shorter, while others should be a bit longer.


That sounds like a good idea.The Raft was my favorite story.




Story:Twenty years have passed since the slaughter at the lake,and the legend of their story is still heard around town.Five skeptics take the challenge to swim out to the lake,and meet the terror of the lake.They start dying one by one,in ways more gruesome then the last.They make a life or death choice by trying to swim to the shore.Once there,they high-tail it out and to the police.There,the police think they are crazy,believing the legend.To prove they are either lying or crazy,two officers go down to the lake with the surivor/survivors.The story ends,where they get killed by the monster,the same way Randy died.


-Evan:The out-spoken smartass of his group.Pretty much the leader of the pack.

-Rob:Evan's best friend.The daredevil who isn't afraid of any challenge.The biggest skeptic of the group,who won't believe anything unless he sees it for himself.

-Michelle:The bubbly,hyper best friend;possibly has ADD.She is willing to try anything once. Is similar to Rob in a way,that she's always looking for the next big thing.

-Heather:The logical,brain child of her friends. The voice of reason,who keeps them together.

-Mick:One of Rob's friends.Dares Rob and the others to take "The Challenge"

-Joel:The more historical of the others.Joel use to be friends with Randy,Laverne,Deke and Rachel.He wasnt sure where they went,but after they were reported as "missing" he went on a search to find them,but failed.After over-hearing Kyle dare the others to go swim out to the lake,Joel decided to join in.Hoping to find some trace of his friends there. (Assuming that we're talking about the others above are in their late teens or early 20s, Joel can be a father figure to one of the characters)

-Officer J.Harrison & Officer D.Murphy :The two police officers that goes back to the lake with the "survivors".

"Reality is merely an illusion,albeit a very persistent one."
- Albert Einstein


You might wanna shop THAT Idea around-Hollyweird ... It's actually pretty-good. held My Interest.



This is why if the nuts who made CReepshow III plan on making a fourth,that they get fan ideas and suggestions.

"Life is pleasant.Death is peaceful.It's the transition that's troublesome." - Isaac Asimov


They could make it into a 90 minute movie by having the first 50 minutes be about the 4 people, we see how they live and what their plans are for the future, then they could drive off to the lake and have an extended car scene where we learn even more about the 4 people, and really care about them (make it so that they are all good guys, no jerks!)

and then the last 40 minutes would be the raft scene with some extended dialogue...but having everyone die at the end would really be like a punch to the stomach after spending so much time with the characters!



I think The Raft would be fairly tedious as a full-length movie. It's the type of story that works perfectly in an anthology like Creepshow.


I suppose one way of extending it would be the local authourity's attempts at trying to get rid of it.I mean at the the end you see a no swimming sign so someone else knew about the creature. Maybe used the raft as a ploy to keep it a away from inhabited areas,who knows?



if you are going to be a smartass, The Blob was made atleast three times




I'm not sure. They could explore a little more backstory for these characters, like maybe Laverne and Randy had cheated on Deke and Rachel in the past. In King's short story they eventually had consensual sex, but in the film for whatever reason it's clearly sexual assault. I don't think it would be necessary to take focus away from avoiding the monster just for some character melodrama. In the end it would probably just feel like what little plot there already is is being dragged out with too much filler. They could probably extend it another 20 minutes at the most, but not a feature-length running time.


They did. It was called "The Blob"


As long as Julianna Guill gets the role of Laverne so we get to see those epic jugs like in Friday the 13th '09.


Those were fake "jugs". You want huge natural ones? Watch Friday the 13th Part 5. Not 1, but 2 girls have huge NATURAL tits in that one.


A man of culture.


This is not the worst idea I've ever heard, actually. The Raft is my favorite segment if the movie and the short story is pretty good...I think there would be enough to fill an entire movie. :)

"The cover of this book is so misleading. It never snows like the cover implies that it does."


I'd watch The Raft if it was a full movie!


Absolutely. Many many many Stephen King books were very very very stretched out with an extremely simple premise: Cujo, Christine, Pet Cemetery, The Langoliers, and many others. The Raft could have easily been made into a full length book/movie. In fact, almost all of his short stories could have been lengthened with more character development and backstory. A good example was 1408 (which was originally a short story). The Raft is no exception. My only demand would be that King himself does NOT direct the movie.
