Why do I not like it as much as I used to?
I enjoyed this movie the first time I saw it (perhaps 15 years ago). I've seen it once or twice since then, and still liked it a lot. I bought the DVD recently because I remember it being funny, smart, charming, and a bit romantic. However, after watching it again, it left me kind of cold.
Aaron, who I remember being very funny and likeable, came across more of an arrogant prick who whined too much.
Jane, I once thought was so intelligent, independent, funny, and I was really rooting for her to find happiness in her love life. But now, after seeing all of her neurosis again, I found myself not caring very much one way or the other.
Tom was the only one who I still thought was a little likeable, which is ironic because he was the least likeable of the three when I saw it the first time!
Perhaps this tells more about my personality changes than it does about the movie itself, I don't know. But something about this movie now seems a little smug and full of itself. Any thoughts?
"This is war, Peacock!!"