I Liked the Ending

There is some article on MSN about good movies with bad endings and it listed Broadcast News. I thought the ending was appropriate, low-key, and satsifying, neatly wrapping up the story and letting us know what happened to the three leads years later.

This is one of the best romantic comedies ever made. James L. Brooks is one of my favorite filmmakers and I think it a crime he does not make more movies. His films have a humanity that many movies lack.

Broadcast News is filled with great performances, but Albert Brooks steals the movie. Every time he opens his mouth, he says something hysterical or clever. Perfect casting.

A great movie in every way.


What the writer of that article didn't get was that Broadcast News is a modern-day retelling of Cyrano de Bergerac.

You can't do a Cyrano without the leap in time; you need to show that Roxanne doesn't end up with Cyrano or (if he's alive, as he is here) Christian. The way they played with all of the themes in this version of the story were brilliant, and it had to play out this way.


Yes, but if this is true, the title should have been Broadcast Nose.


Brian, I don't know if you're still around after a year and a half, but wherever you are, kudos for Broadcast Nose.


I didn't like the ending. I thought the perfect place to end the movie was with Jane in the back of that taxi cab. She starts to tell the cab driver the best route to take, then stops herself and says: "Go anyway you want." Then several seconds later says: "But New York Avenue is faster."

If they had stopped the movie there, this would have been the perfect ending to the flm because it shows how Jane cannot change who she is, no matter how hard she tries.

The "future" scene we get after the taxi cab scene is a drizzle of an ending. They should have just flashed the what-became-of-them info in subtitles (a la American Graffiti) instead.


The ending sucks. The movie should have ended with Holly Hunter (alone) in the Taxicab.


I loved the ending. I think it was appropriate to see that life goes on and that situations don't always turn out the way we think they should. People go their separate ways and keep it moving; no fault, no foul.
