Strangely sad and depressing
This could be seen as heralding the transformation of television news into the horror show parade of bimbos and blockheads it has become today - Holly Hunter plays a narcissistic pig with great accuracy, Albert Brooks is a perfect pussy of a man, and William Hurt is a right and proper bastard - an entire family of self-involved yuppie careerists, the destructive and pernicious Boomers who waylayed one firmly established American institution after another, from the President's (non)salute to Wall Street to space travel to football uniforms to the corner hardware store. I can't watch this film without thinking about the trail of societal wreckage left by the Boomers, like bratty kids with candy-smeared faces and full diapers, screaming for a Tommy Tippy and Sesame Street.
In its way, an accidentally great film. Nothing reveals the sociopathy of the yuppie better, without really trying.