Love this movie

I've loved this movie since it first came out. Great cast and great story. It's one of the reasons (along with Raising Arizona) that made me fall in love with Holly Hunter. And, it is so prophetic. Every news network 27 years later(regardless of political bent) is filled with pretty talking heads and blather. Forget hard news, let's cover inane topics presented by beauty queens and quarterbacks.


Bingo! I was just commenting the other day on Usenet, about how the "Evening News" is mostly fluff and "blather". You have to watch the early morning editions or CNN and Fox to get "hard" news. Most of the other "alphabet" networks OMIT news that makes their Messiah, and any other leftists, look bad.

I'd rather hear "bad news" about those I like, than to be left in the dark.

Shoot him, cut out his tongue, then shoot his tongue. And trim that beard.


...hmm, is usenet still around ? i pretty much dumped the nntp newsreader many years ago and never looked back. Google used to have a newsgroup archive section, and that was eventually dumped too.

But, on the main topic, there is always going to be the tug between "hard" news and the softer side of news, such as the lighter fare morning news shows or the human interest stories. And, for me, there is nothing wrong with a little variety. Yes, the news and political junkies will probably watch the Iowa Caucuses and Super Tuesday into the wee hours of the morning, but I'll grant that most folks probably won't bother to look into the results until maybe the morning or the evening news.

I should mention that the channel that has absolutely "hard" news and nothing else is probably C-Span.
