MovieChat Forums > Broadcast News (1987) Discussion > Broadcast News or Network?

Broadcast News or Network?

I realize they deal with different plots, but they are both about broadcasting the news. Personally I loved Network. Broadcast news was good, but I got really annoyed with Holly Hunter's accent.


His Girl Friday.

~ I'm a 21st century man and I don't wanna be here.


I got really annoyed with Holly Hunter's accent.

... vaguely reminded me of Jodie Foster.

For me, I like "Broadcast News". Serious, but quirky and funny in its own way as well. It has a lighter side that I don't recall in "Network".


I'm a southerner and that accent is born and bred Georgia USA - it's hard as hell without a vocal coach to erase a southern accent. Rumor has it that Matthew McConaughey won't take a role unless his accent can be accepted (don't know if that's true or not) but he has a DISTINCTIVE southern accent (curious does HIS accent bother you too?) I was raised in the deep South and fortunately (or unfortunately depending) I was raised in military towns and didn't pick up the accent. In college we had an "expert" who was supposed to be able to pinpoint our "origins" within 100 miles by listening to us read certain passages - on me she failed miserably - had me in Seattle, the Midwest, Upstate NY - nowhere NEAR south of the Mason Dixon line - STILL I think Hunter's accent was innocent, quirky, and fit TOTALLY with small town girl makes good... it was casting brilliance as exhibited by the many awards the show (and she) won.


"Network," to me, is in a completely different universe than "Broadcast News."

I consider "Network" to be one of the greatest films of all time.

I. Drink. Your. Milkshake! [slurp!] I DRINK IT UP! - Daniel Plainview - There Will Be Blood


Really? Your criticism of the film is that her voice is annoying. Sheesh. You're just as shallow as the film.

Having an opinion can save your life. Just ask Marvin.
