It seems that Hollywood forgot how to make adult comedies like this.
I don't want to sound like a moralist, but why do all contemporayy comedies have to portrait adult characters as big teenagers and show the world as a big playground?
Films like "Broadcast News", "My Cousin Vinny", "Quick Change", Defending your life", "Moonstruck" and "Throw Momma from the train" put their main characters struggling with real world grown up problems. Even though most of them were imatures, they would have to deal with the consequences of their natural refusal to change. Their arrogance would only make things more difficult and in the end, they would learn how to embrace their weakness and step down from their ivory tower, though humbler to learn with the world.
Comedies today? They just show that it's ok to be a teenager through adulthood. As a matter of fact, it will make you more "authentic"! The characters are not the problem, it`s just that the adult world is conspiring against them. They don't wanna work ou study to acquire new skills; they just wanna be visionaires like Steve Jobs, but without putting 1/1000 of the effort required to create something. So they get frustrated and blame the "universe". And the movie embraces this message, like the world owned them something.