The 'scene' the Radio plays when the appliances are sinking?
Before that man finds the appliances, and takes them to his parts shop. The Radio decides to end his "life" by playing one more broadcast; it is of a man calling to someone called Mary, saying things like "I hope I didn't make you wait..." and so one. The Radio sinks, and then the man pulls him back out, and then we hear another clip from the same show...
MAN: Well, a fine little radio!I can remember when I was still quite young, I heard this in the car, on radio, and I supprised my parents when I did the [i]"I'm your little baby!" quote ahead of time...
*He tries to take The Radio with him, but is pulled back, as the appliances cords are still attached to each other*
RADIO: (still broadcasting) "Don't you know me?"
MAN: No!
RADIO: (still broadcasting) "I'm your little baby!"
Anyone know what this is from? share