What is 'a thing'
Ok, I haven't seen the movie (and I'm not going to), but I imagine that there is no logic or explanations whatsoever. I mean, talking and walking things. How stupid is that?
But the worst part is that everything can be a thing, so does that mean that everything (from your TV to a grain of sand) can talk in the world of this film?
If something breaks into half, do these pieces become two diferent walking and talking creatures? If toaster looses a spring or a screw, it becomes another organism? Or worst: if human dies it becomes a thing, right? Could that thing walk and talk despite the fact that it was a life organism once?...
Ok, now you're saying: "It's just an animation for kids blah blah blah"... But it doesn't make sense even for a fairy tale. It's forgivable if animal talks, because at least you now it can think in real life. Talking toys is also not a bad concept, because you can seperate toys from other things and they have shape of life organisms. But when all kinds of housewares talks and moves it's insane and dumb. Whoever wrote a book about a *beep* living toaster is an idiot!
I'm overreacting of course. I don't really think the concept like that is stupid, but it is weird as hell.
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