I'm just watching videos of the songs, and my god man. We have the AC having a psychotic break and killing himself, Lampy allowing himself to be hit by lightning to save everyone, Toaster's dream of being dropped in a tub while plugged in (suicide method), Kirby throwing himself off a cliff, the guy in B Movie saying "You might as well just HANG around" while acting like he's being hanged, and the depressed trunk driving himself onto a crusher.
Gonna have to watch it again to find more, if there is some.
A Heroic Sacrifice isn't exactly a suicide, even if you're aware that you could die, so I don't think Lampy allowing himself to be struck by lightning counts. Kirby was just diving into the water to save the others. Toaster's dream was a nightmare. The "You might as well just hang around" thing might just be a coincidence, but I will admit when was a kid I thought that at the end of the song, it looked like one of the appliances (apparently it was a mincer, but as a kid I thought it looked like a duck) had the wires around what would have been his "neck" even though appliances don't really have necks.
I'm all for seeing what you can find though. I have a feeling that people have said that Kirby trying to vacuum his own cord might have been a suicide attempt, but I could be wrong. I'm not sure how I saw it - a breakdown most probably.
I see and don't see where you're coming from. I know a heroic sacrifice is always looked at differently than a suicide, but it's still killing yourself or allowing yourself to be killed (ala "suicide" by cop). Also yeah...I've never quite got what happens with Kirby right there. He straight up freaks out. I don't know if it's the waterfall, or he's finally snapping from the pressure