different version comparison in the works
I had replied to this topic and figured it would be best to start one on it's own concerning possible different versions. The post was here and below was my reply with more added info
what got me thinking about this movie again was that fearnet has an on demand channel and they are showing blood diner (restored but still pan/scan unlike the German region 2 dvd). So today I fished out my Hong Kong laserdisc (released by Ocean shores, still pan/scan and optically censored during the cave kill scene for the below the waist nudity) to convert this over to dvd
It looks like the same version, however I did notice one difference and this is towards the end at the club before the big feast. The HK disc has some alternate shots showing the crowd and other things going on in the club. The US version you see the band singer for Elvis Hitler taking the salami and holding it in a suggestive manner before he cuts it up and throws it out to the crowd. You also got some shots of the people eating the hunger pills. These shots are not in the HK version though no skips or anything else is present.
I know the HK had some minor differences and now it looks like side by side on the PC is going to occur
in all I have to compare the following:
1. US older vhs version (I own this)
2. US fearnet tv showing to make sure it is the same a the US vhs
3. German dvd with US version (I own this too)
and once I can confirm if these are all the same, then
compare it with the HK laserdisc
what a mess
Another interesting item I noticed with the HK laserdisc is that at times during certain scenes (most notably the wrestling event) the sound effects track almost sounds as if some sort of reverb or audio effect was added. The voices for everyone are fine, but the crowds cheers sound more like reverb. I also took note that Mikey had some more dialogue in this. You can hear him yelling a bit more at Jimmy hitler during the match. This is not on the US version either
99% of you people send me PM's with questions and never bother to check that I replied to them.