MovieChat Forums > Bad Taste (1989) Discussion > Official Statement from Wingnut Films

Official Statement from Wingnut Films

Got this email today after asking about the whole 'Public Domain' issue;

Dear Hamish,

Thank you for your email and for taking the time to gather this information to present to us. We are aware of this situation and the general state of piracy taking place on the internet. 'Bad Taste' is not public domain property, though there is some confusion over this issue. Steps are being taken to obtain US Copyright on the title and we hope to have resolution in time. Unfortunately the internet is a very big place and WingNut simply do not have the resources to police it in its entirety. We deal with acts of piracy and copyright very seriously and as swiftly as we are able.

Thanks again for bringing these particular instances to our attention, Hamish, and we hope to be able to make a big dent in this illegal trade in the future.

Kind regards,

*name removed so he doesnt get flamed*
WingNut Films Productions Limited


I kinda had a feeling it wasn't Public Domain property. Incidently, why couldn't you also asked them about the possibility of teaming up with Blue Underground and release a new SE DVD and Blu-Ray?


it must have slipped my mind


Send them another one - a Blu-Ray version would be rad.
