100 Things I Learned From Bad Taste...
1. People carrying axes are rarely friendly.
2. Having a bayonet hammered into your heel sucks!
3. Sledgehammers are laying around all over the place in New Zealand.
4. The custom of calling a man's male friend his "mate" is rather disconcerting.
5. When firing an Uzi you don't have to make "bang, bang" sounds.
6. Brains are spoon food.
7. When your skull is cracked and brains are falling out avoid tight hats.
8. Blood is slick stuff, mop it up before someone gets killed.
9. Vomit is delicious.
10. Pine cones are about the least threatening thing you can chuck at someone who has a chainsaw.
11. Kicking a decapitated torso in the balls accomplishes very little.
Lets try to get it to 100...