MovieChat Forums > Bad Taste (1989) Discussion > 100 Things I Learned From Bad Taste...

100 Things I Learned From Bad Taste...

1. People carrying axes are rarely friendly.

2. Having a bayonet hammered into your heel sucks!

3. Sledgehammers are laying around all over the place in New Zealand.

4. The custom of calling a man's male friend his "mate" is rather disconcerting.

5. When firing an Uzi you don't have to make "bang, bang" sounds.

6. Brains are spoon food.

7. When your skull is cracked and brains are falling out avoid tight hats.

8. Blood is slick stuff, mop it up before someone gets killed.

9. Vomit is delicious.

10. Pine cones are about the least threatening thing you can chuck at someone who has a chainsaw.

11. Kicking a decapitated torso in the balls accomplishes very little.

Lets try to get it to 100...


12. AIDS can save the world.

13. Alien invasion is a job for real men.

14. The headshot's the only true stopper.

15. 'Weekend cowboys' is as offensive as aliens can get.

16. Seagulls make for a great safety net.

17. you can send a house into orbit with no budget.

18. harry potter stole his scarf from derek.

19. character shaped holes arn't just in cartoons.

20. aliens have an uncannny resemblence to johnny hill.

21. sheep exlode

thats all i've got


22. Derek's don't run.


23. It wouldn't be bad if Auckland was assaulted by alians.
24. Alien vomit has not the same color as human vomit.
25. Humanoids are a delicassy.



26. If your head is cracked open and your brains are spilling out, finding something to hold it shut will make it all better.
27. Brains are interchangeable. If you lose some, just grab a chunk of someone else's.
28. Aliens can't tell the difference between a firing gun and a guy making fake gun noises.
29. Always disengage the parking break.
30. If you hear a chainsaw in your house, don't stand under the chandelier.
31. Wear your human disguise, even if it's revolting.

"So it goes" -Slaughterhouse Five


32. Floor brains may not smell good, but they'll do in a pinch.
33. New Zealand ain't got nukes.
34. It's never too late to be born again, although the ability to dive from a few meters up wielding a chainsaw factors in.
35. Peter Jackson is a #$%@ing dynamo!
36. The USA may have put their flag on the moon, but New Zealand makes sure it stays there.
37. No one pimps a ride like Derek.
38. When things get really bad world leaders have a quick-dial entry labeled "The Boys".
39. Chainsaws and rocket launchers are not long held in reserve.
40. The firearm user's accuracy is inversely proportional to ammunition expended (although this lesson is hardly exclusive to Bad Taste).


41 When giving the finger to alien invaders make sure that:
The window is up
The car engine is on.
This scene is arch NZ humour and the funniest bit in the movie.


42. When fighting aliens, it's more important to look cool wearing only a wife-beater shirt instead of a bulletproof vest.

"I haven't been this excited since I punctured Caroline's aorta"


43. You can fit an entire population of a small town into pile of cardboard boxes.


44. Never underestimate the old Seagull head butt maneuver



46) When leaving an alien infested house you've just blown half to sh*t, make sure to shut the doors on the way out.


47. Ozzy doesn't smoke.


48. B.R.E.A.D. collectors are useless in gun battles.

49. The AK-47 is the weapon of choice for intergalactic fast food conglomerates.

50. If you get spotted, shoot the bastards.

51. Don't *beep* with Derek!


52. When one of your actors has visibly poo'd his pants, keep filming anyway.


53. If a part of your brain has fallen out, just grab the nearest piece of brain you find and push it in there!

"I'll die unless you kill me!" - Ethan Hunt


56. 1, 2, 3, 6!

57. There havin' you for lunch!

58. Don't ask why your soaking in herbs and spices.

59. Beware of alien cooks weilding mallets.

60. Don't make wolf noises atop a cliff when you are surrounded by aliens.

61. Don't waste a whole clip on a load of wood.

62. Try to find a bigger oven for the alins masks.


Dotdfan123(OP) half of those "Things I learned" are from!:



It's a good idea to wear tennis shoes, becasue you can always just outrun the pesky aliens. (I noticed the guys were still wearing tennis shoes after they were all comando kitted out )
