MovieChat Forums > Angel Heart (1987) Discussion > before Se7en and The Sixth Sense, there ...

before Se7en and The Sixth Sense, there was this film.

before Se7en and The Sixth Sense, there was this film.

MOVIES ABOUT RELIGIOUS HORROR that have been strongly recommended as similar to include The Seventh Sign (1988), in which a pregnant woman fears that her child is somehow related to signs that the Apocalypse, as outlined in the Book of Revelation, is coming to pass. Likewise, in Rosemary's Baby (1968), a woman is impregnated by Satan in reverse parody of Christ's birth. In The Wicker Man (1973), a man encounters ancient pagan practices. Of course, there is always The Exorcist (1973), if you haven't yet seen it. Other movies about religious horror that are recommended include Jacob's Ladder (1990), Angel Heart (1987), La chiesa (1989), Lost Souls (2000), The Mephisto Waltz (1971), Der Name der Rose (1986), The Prophecy (1995), The Devil's Advocate (1997), Constantine (2005) and Stigmata (1999).


Very nice list there. I have seen most of them.


Most of these movies I have not seen but I will be sure to check out. I thought that Angel Heart was far superior to Rosemary's Baby, and Stigmata. Have not seen Devil's Advocate since it was at the theaters. I always thought that Angel Heart had alot in common with Jacob's Ladder as far as it being hard to pin everything down.


I love that list, it's awesome, I've seen them all, but OP, you forgot Fallen (1998) the soul of a demon that can pass through touch. Very eerie flick.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit' me!" Hudson in Aliens.


Frailty (2001) A father fears his son is a demon. A son fears his father is a psycho.


Better than Rosemary? No way. I love Angel Heart, but slowly mounting paranoia versus the domestic mundanity in Rosemary's Baby is utterly brilliant. Also, it's the most perfectly adapted book ever.


Agreed. Rosemary's Baby was pretty crazy too. Just like all the movies in the OP's list.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit' me!" Hudson in Aliens.


No offense, but I just wanted to smack Maria Farrow's character. Its like, Wake Up dummy!...all is not right here. At least Johnnie/Harry had the excuse of traumatic brain injury in the war.

I thought she came off as helpless, exactly the opposite of a strong female character like Ripley from Alien.

Maybe I should resee it though. Have not seen is since 2004.


It's Mia, not Maria.

At what point did you want to smack her? It's not like "Satanists got the devil to rape you, now you're bearing the antichrist in your womb," is a readily apparent explanation for her predicament. It seems like once she read that book, she was more than willing to see her situation for what it was.

Also, I think you're ignoring the social context in which the story takes place. A pregnant, middle-class wife was not exactly in a position of power in the mid 60s. She's under enormous societal pressure to go along with her husband and be the perfect housewife, not to mention the influence of her strict Catholic upbringing. With that in mind, I think her vulnerability makes perfect sense for the character, and her rejection of her husband later in the film seems like that much more of a triumph. And it's no fair to compare her to Ripley. This is a mid 20th century domestic chamber drama, not a grandiose sci-fi action movie set in the distant (and presumably, far more gender-egalitarian) future.


Agreed! I really felt bad for her in that movie!

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit' me!" Hudson in Aliens.


all good movies.


i think Se7en is very much inspired from alan parker's Angel Heart. The mood in both films is similar, the rain, the murders etc
David Fincher must be a huge fan of Angel Heart.


Se7en doesn't belong on such a list. It isn't "horror" for one, and it doesn't include any supernatural content.

A few more:

The Omen

The Ninth Configuration

The Ninth Gate


House of the Devil


Don't forgot the Skeleton key 2005, Inheritance 2004, The Ninth Gate 1999, and the wonderfully bizarre, Starry Eyes 2014

