MovieChat Forums > Angel Heart (1987) Discussion > Q about Mickey Rourke's acting style ......

Q about Mickey Rourke's acting style ...

... did anyone notice how Mickey Rourke is trying to imitate/copy De Niro's style of acting in general? his tone, the way he speaks with that smooth 'mob' panache and a slight Italian accent, even his hand gestures - which I think De Niro usually improvises all of those in his movies.

For example, go to the restaurant scene at around 25 mins where they both meet ...
tell me if you observe the same subtlety that I did ...


The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.
M. Gandhi


I disagree especially the way he woes women is classic rourke.He plays a real charming guy with the ladies.


I disagree too.Like he says,hes just from Brooklyn.


ok ... aaaand just how many times will you make sure you disagree ?


Dana Carvey does a hilarious Mickey Rourke impersonation throughout "Trapped In Paradise" (an otherwise unwatchable film IMO.)


I don't see that at all. I'm sure Rourke was inspired by De Niro in some way or another (as was any actor who came up post-Taxi Driver) but he's pretty much as Mickey Rourke here as he's ever been since.


I never got that impression from Mickey's portrayal at all. He really delivers an entire character in this movie and it's shocking to think that he wasn't even nominated by not only the Academy but also SAG, Critic's Choice, BAFTA, and The Golden Globes
