MovieChat Forums > Angel Heart (1987) Discussion > Toots Sweet and Harry Angel - spoilers

Toots Sweet and Harry Angel - spoilers

Does Toots recognize Harry's face?
Toots was the ONLY ONE - among Johnny's friends - to have seen the face of the sailor Johnny picked at New York's Eve 1943.
Toots also watched the ritual being performed.
So he KNEW who was the sailor. Maybe not his name, but his face.

So tell me:

Does Toots recognize Harry?


No, he was damaged in the war afterwards and facial changes. Then Ethan and Margaret picked Johnny/Angel up out of hospital, dropped him back off at Times Square, and that was that.

Toots was pretty sharp. Angel approaches him and Toots immediately knows he's being investigated for the past.


Toots was pretty sharp. Angel approaches him and Toots immediately knows he's being investigated for the past.

I'm trying to figure out what is the "Mickey Rourke face". That's my dilemma. There are two options, I guess:

1- The Mickey Rourke face is a brand new face, I mean a third face (neither Johnny's nor Harry's), but he believes to be Harry Angel (who underwent a facial surgery anyway) because he lost his Johnny Favorite memories and the ritual's long-term effect finally caught him up.

2- The Mickey Rourke face is the Harry Angel face, and doctors reconstructed that because Johnny had pictures/photographs of Harry Angel in his pocket.

That's why I asked: does Toots recognize Harry Angel as Harry Angel?


Johnny ate harrys heart so it was always Johnnys body but with Harrys personality , then there was the facial reconstruction

you do not punish someone for having big boobs!


What you outlined in #1 is correct.

- Harry Angel has a new face (the 3rd face you mentioned) since his head was injured in the war. That is Mickey Rourke's face. Toots Suite would not have recognized the new face because he never saw Harry after his injuries.
- However, Toots Suite might have figured out who he's dealing with since Harry tells him his name. Toots knows Johnny Favorite took over Harry Angel's identity since he and Johnny were together when they grabbed the real Harry Angel in Times Square.
