Favorite MST quotes!
Wanda is being dumped by her boyfriend.
Wanda: I thought you really liked me. You said I was special, so naturally I wanna know why!
Servo: It's your helium addiction.
Wanda: Why'd you even go out with me in the first place if I'm such a geek?!
Mike: 'Cause I'm turned on by squeeze toys.
Wanda is talking to the roguish Charmin.
Charmin: Wait a minute...is that really your voice?
Servo (irritated): Oh, jeez, I'd slap this movie if I could!
We see a shot of the grimy city of Atlantis.
Mike: A new life awaits you in the off-world colonies!
Fun fact: Kathy Ireland briefly loses her squeaky voice when she's doped up on the table. She laughs and says in a deeper voice(probably her real one), "You think I'm an alien?"
Always be yourself, and wave your freak flag high. -TV's Frank