This is one of the top 10 worse movies ever.
It is so bad it is a running joke in my family.
shareI couldn't imagine seeing this film originally, as a regular movie. I'm one of the lucky people who were only exposed to this film through MST:3K, and even as an MST episode, it was painfully bad. As a kid I used to rent and watch anything Golan-Globus put out, so I'm surprised this one passed me by- I guess, in those days, I was limited to what my local video store would get, so there's not much I could do, but I can imagine the utter baffling confusion I'd have if I had rented it and sat down to watch it as an actual movie (sans riffing)
shareNo it's not. I'm not claiming it's a good movie, but I have seen many, many much worse movies than this one.