barely made it through the mst3k version
I love mst 3k
I have every episode except for a few of the original pre-comedy central season on dvd from either the box sets or underground purchases. I will pop one in whenever I am bummed, tired, have the house to myself or am practicing herbal medicine. Well, tonight I was the last person awake, just relaxing with a presidente and put on the dvd with this movie, 'outlaw' and 'radar secret service' on it.
About 15 minutes into alien from la I realized that I had blocked from my mind just how unwatchable it is. There is no way to describe the pain of this movie. Maybe it would be like an entire movie of watley yelling 'CABOT' in outlaw but for 90 minutes.
Jesus, even mst3k's worst movies, manos, red zone cuba are watchable but only starfighters, along with this one is just painful to watch. Just brutal.
I am going to have to watch radar secret service now to wash the pain out of my brain from this movie. It really ought to be #1 on the bottom 100 and without any sort of a struggle. Good god sorry. Just had to vent. I'm amazed that mike and the bots didn't breach the hull and kill themselves during this. Makes space mutiny or future war or maybe even hobgoblins look like citizen kane as far as bad 80s films that got mstified.
Hold me rowsdower!