WAY underrated

Although I would definitely include this film in the list of must-see's for FUlci aficionados, I also believe that this film has considerable stand-alone value. For example, it is a hilarious rip-off of both The Exorcist and Argento's The Psychic and Suspiria.

I found this film distinctly more enjoyable than other Fulci efforts as Demonia, House by the Cemetary, House of Clocks, New York Ripper. A true homage to the italo-horror comfort with knock-offs and the like. I love it.

Did anyone else


1) Fulci made "The Psychic", not Argento

2) I see this as more of a rip off of Phenomena than Suspiria.

3) I enjoyed this film as well. I love Fulci.


Yeah I really liked this one too.

The trouble people have with this film is that they go into it with films like Zombi 2, City of the Living Dead, and New York Ripper fresh in their minds which creates pretence and doesn't help.

They either expect a gore-fest, or at least something stylish and cool like his 70's giallos.

The same happens with other directors work.

This film is basically a cheesy drama with love interests and some supernatural elements thrown in. Nothing serious, just silly fun.


I found it mediocre. It's okay, but not great.
