need help with an 80's alien movie
I was born in 1982 and when I was growing up I used to watch this really stupid alien movie, and it has really been bothering lately me what it was called and what it was about so if anyone can help me i would appreciate it.
It took place in like the 1800s (i think, because they lived on what seemed to be a ranch and everyone dressed like cowboys) and it involved this wierd looking midget type alien who lost his crystal or diamond and kept on trying to find it. The alien looks like a deformed midget, hes always trying to get his crystal, and i think the movie focuses on some little girl who feels sorry for him or something. In the end, I think he gets shot up by some cowboys with rifles or shotguns, or maybe one of his midget alien friends does. I was really young and I can barely remember. I dont even know how but it popped into my head out of nowhere, and I want to check it up on to laugh at how incredibly lame it was. Does any of this sound familiar to anyone? I could have sworn in the end he dies and doesnt get his crystal. Thanks for your help