I always thought Steven Spielberg directed this movie for some reason. Guess not.
sharehe was executive producer
sharecorrect me if i am wrong he does not dicrect well anymore am i right look at War Of The World
Bond James Bond
About Steven Spielberg, I think he still does a good job directing, for awhile though his movies were too long and just as you are about to doze off in your popcorn, he hit's you with that third hour twist, evident in "A.I." and "Minority Report", in "War of the Worlds" he was just too held back, this is a remake, not his own little genius going at it. Spielberg also has what I'd like to call, "Yankees syndrome" with his films, when he brings in too many big names it just doesn't work; look at "1941"- an All-Star cast, but it bombed (not to be punny) because you concentrate on the stars, not the characters they play. "War of the Worlds" is similar, Cruise, Fanning, Robbins, a bizarre mix, (with the great Morgan Freeman narrating), but it couldn't click cause it's not new. Spielberg- A great director still, but he should do new things and get actors that get the job done and keep w/ characters that over shadow the actor playing them (Jaws, The Color Purple, Schindler's List, all the good ones basically) He's just stuck on big actors and mediocre scripts. His last good one (in my opinion) "The Terminal" he got a big actor to play a bigger character, rare Hanks did something that Peter Sellers should've done, a feel good film with a solid support cast. That's his winning formula! Anyone agree?
shareI never get the too long argument, if the film is good, you will sit 3 hours and enjoy it!
Unfortunatly, there wasnt as much CGI in jurassic park as most people think. On the DVD commentary and featurettes, you get a much more defined image of how much cgi went on. In total, the opening Brach's (the long necks) and the Rex chasing the Galimimus herd. That was it. Sadly. Also notable for cgi/model work to make things look awesome : The Relic
I think what you said only proves further that CGI isn't as great as people make it out to be. There's something in CGI that, immediately, your mind distunguishes as being non-realistic. Look at the movie I Am Legend. Those infected people look ULTRA fake. They almost look like they were ripped out of some video game. I still think that the best uses for CGI are:
1. Explosions.
2. Greenscreened locations.
Other than that, You can't beat actual matter, as in puppetry. It might be more expensive, but it LOOKS more realistic(especially with what they could do NOW, in terms of animatronics.
So would you rather have people with infected make up on, leaping with wires??? The CGI was a better choice for I Am Legend.
And CGI explosions look fake as hell!!!! They only work for me in Japanese films, because of their budget for film in their country (Battle Royale 2, Casshern, etc).
link: http://www.myspace.com/pkgangsta18