I pulled my DVD off the shelf today and watched the first five minutes... man, that's an ancient transfer. I'd rather wait until a (hopefully) remastered Blu-ray hits to watch the rest. Keeping my fingers crossed but not holding my breath.
It's not whether it's on DVD or Blu-ray, it's the fact that the original they recorded off of sucked. In all likelihood, they did not record off the master, and hopefully if they DO eventually step-up to Blu-ray, or I should say, when they do, they'll shoot from the master & not that blurry, degraded copy they used for the DVD. The DVD was released in 1999, and DVD quality has been improved tenfold since then, so if/when they release the blu-ray then one would hope they would re-release the DVD as well. They probably won't, though, under the assumption that DVDs will give way to blu-ray. This movie probably isn't "important enough," and the DVD will always be the same '99-released version until the DVD is discontinued, and the blu-ray will hopefully, at least, be recorded off the master.
On a sidenote, whatta bummer that DVDs are becoming redundant & going the way of VHS. I know I know, every media becomes defunct eventually. But I'm sure there are LOTS of people out there just like me who are not exactly RICH, but they have an extensive movie collection that they are proud of for some of the harder-to-find content, and just when they have got all their favorite movies on ONE form of media, a whole NEW form comes out. We're stuck trying to decide if it's worth it or not to replace every movie we own on DVD with Blu-ray, either because we want the higher-resolution & better quality of blu-ray, or out of fear that we might not even be able to play the DVDs at some point, if DVD players all but cease to exist. I even have some really rare stuff on VHS, that I actually recorded to .AVI version to save on my PC (well, on CDs actually, not only on my hard drive), and the form of .AVI that I used is 10 years old and I can't get ANY recent players to recognize & play them! Only my "ancient" PC that recorded them recognizes it, and I don't want to keep my dinosaur PC hooked up JUST to be able to watch some old media occasionally.[/rant]
¸«¤º°»«ëÕ|{¥(V)°º¤»¸ I can't understand your crazy moon language.
Ditto on the PQ - very poor for a major motion picture. Oddly enough, the audio is quite good, with lots of surround effects as those little machines dart about.