Sometimes (not ALL the time) CGI is overly-relied upon. When a movie relies more on the eye-candy than the actual story, the entire movie suffers for it. That's why people dislike overuse of CGI. Younger people who grew up on CGI-based movies may not even understand that point of view, and perhaps to them, stop-motion animation looks clunky, jerky, and unrealistic. Well, because it was. LOL. To an extent. But for people who were young at THAT time, when those movies first came out, seeing a T.Rex fighting with King Kong was really amazing! A lot of it has to do with what you grew up with. The reason stop-motion animation didn't "take over" in older movies was because they couldn't; it was so time-consuming & expensive, they simply could not do an entire movie full of special effects, although King Kong came close. A lot of those older movies were not written so well either, and padded with a lot of climbing scenes LOL. In every era, there are good & bad movies. And everyone probably loves whatever era they grew up in the best, and has some very good reasons to defend it with.
The truth is, though, CGI is going to get used more and more, probably to the point where they can use an actor's likeness in a movie without them having to physically even DO anything, and you won't even be able to tell if it's really them or not. And of course, next they will be using dead actors in new roles! Imagine that!! People then will be saying, "remember back when CGI first started, and it was all blocky & unrealistic, and you could tell that it was CGI?"
"I'm a winner, see my prize! You're a loser who sits and cries!" ~Squidward