Anderson recruits Horn although this one says he will not fight (in this unjunst war, etc. blabla). How did the U.S. army in reality react on conscientious objectors during the Vietnam war?
English is not my first language. Any corrections are welcome.
bullied, isolated, not trusted, but yet drafted - oh my...
I watched already season 3, now I'm rewatching all the episodes with more time, and understanding. The calculation, that the situation would put some pressure onto the conscientious objectors worked with Horn, but not with Doc. In the morning appell scene, Horn lets Anderson know that he did not change his mind. Anderson then decides to make him his R.T.O. I understand what it means, but what is it the abbreviation for? And besides from that (minor) language question: Was it in Anderson's authority to make such a decision?
English is not my first language. Any corrections are welcome.