MovieChat Forums > Tour of Duty (1987) Discussion > Name of song during most helicopter scen...

Name of song during most helicopter scenes? (Jimi Hendrix?)

There's this recurring song in most episodes during helicopter and combat scenes that is probably Jimi Hendrix but I can't quite figure out which song it is. Anyone know?


if you're referring to the instrumental "VooDoo Child" knock-off song, most likely it is a replacement for whatever song was originally used. My understanding is that the American DVD sets use replacement score music instead of artist songs that were used in original airings. I'm pretty sure I remember an ep with a chopper flight scene that used "Have You ever Seen Rain" by Creedence Clearwater Revival. Something about couldn't get the rights to the songs, with certain exceptions (Wully Bully by Sam the Sham and the Pharoahs was used in the finale ep.)


I'm talking about for example Season 1 Ep 1 at 27:30 (original score), but I have season 2 and 3 with replacement score and it's used there in almost every episode as well (ie s2e1 at 8:20). It does sound like Voodoo Child but I can't find this version anywhere.


That's one of the replacement songs made specifically for DVD eps. Chances are you will not find that song anywhere but TOD DVD sets. The original airings used 60s period music, but apparently music rights were not negotiated for DVD use originally cuz DVDs did not exist at the time of music rights negotiation. Here is more music info from another thread.

"There is no need to buy bootleg DVDS.

The Region 2 (UK/Europe) and Region 4 (Australia/NZ/South America)have all the episodes with the original soundtrack, as they originally aired in 1987-1990. All you need is a multi-region DVD player or very simply de-coding your DVD player to be multi-region (those generally easy instructions can be found on the Internet).

Both sets have the exact same content. However, the Region 4 complete box set comes in an actual tin box case. The Region 2 box set comes in a bulky cardboard box. They are both available online such as at or

The soundtrack definitely plays a big role in this series, bringing it into the late 1960s but also setting the right mood in certain scenes taking you into the minds of the characters. There were some powerful moments set entirely by the music (especially in episodes 1.1-1.10 and 3.13 for me personally).

You need to get the complete series with the soundtrack - you won't regret it."


Maybe I am imagining it, but I thought I heard Jimi Hendrix - "All Along The Watchtower" kicking off during one of the helicopter scenes in Season 3?


I remember a song in a helicopter scene on one of the first episodes. When I was young by The Animals.
