Combat! vs Tour Of Duty
I posted the following in a thread in the Combat! IMBD page. I have to also post it here in Tour Of Duty.
I am TRYING to like Tour Of Duty. Seriously. I just can NOT put up with the *beep* writing, acting, directing and the constant tactical mistakes.
My Post:
I am TRYING to watch Tour Of Duty (1987) for the first (and last) time. I am having a huge problem with the acting and the writing. The Sgt acts all nervous, twitch and jittery. He is constantly loosing it. One show had him totally screwed up in the head where his men doubted his abilities. Way too heavily flawed man to be a Platoon Sgt. Not anyone I would want to serve with or watch on TV.
In other words, he as a far from Sgt, Saunders as possible.
The scripts are awful. They are full of tropes that defy all good writing techniques. Everything is black and white, right and wrong. Any "bad" character is so ridiculously written so he seems like a caricature rather than any resemblance to a real person.
Combat! has scripts that were full of believable grey areas of human beahviour. Sure there were tropes, but often not. I thought the episode where the soldier was reunited with his French doctor father who was a collaborator was amazing.
Now, for Tour Of Duty, the show runners hired a lib-tard director who openly stated his sole goal was to discredit the Vietnam War effort....even if it meant discrediting the men involved. Disgusting.
I know this is the discussion for Combat, but I am watching both shows at the same time. I cant even get through season 1 of Tour Of Duty. I want to point out all the reasons why Combat! is almost totally opposite (and GREAT) to Tour Of Duty.
Oliver Stone is also a lib tard, but Platoon was still a masterpiece in spite of its anti war message. Tour Of Duty took the idea from Stone and desecrated everything in the end. Disgusting.
They have great helo usage and footage. SOME of the battle scenes are OK. But much of the firing of M-16's are NOT aimed, but from the hip which is ridiculous.
Also, 99% of the M-16 firing is done on full auto which was ONLY the case in actual war when a squad or platoon was ambushed. After a mag or two on full auto, the soldiers (or Marines) HAD to go to semi auto AIMED fire because it is more effective AND they had just so much ammunition!! So there is that.
Obviously, No one listened to any of the hired Military advisers. They probably all quit when the director blew them off and shot battle scenes the way he wanted.
I really wanted to rant. I feel better now. Thanks.