Space sayings make no sense

I appreciate the work and effort that goes to making these kinds of TV shows, and this was one of the most exceptional shows of all time, especially back in the day.

Sure, it was a 'copy' of an already existing show, but at the same time, it did bring its own perspectives, diplomacies and ways to solve conflict, plus lots of fun 'sci-fi'-type ideas and fun execution of them as well. The 'Mandela Effect'-style episodes are always going to be poignant to me, being one of the unfortunate sufferers of that phenomenon.

However, the thoughtlessness of writers always creep through otherwise marvellous productions, including this one.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world" shouldn't be what Riker says to Data about Data's 'poetry reading'. Why would a machine want to waste everyone's time with something stupid like that? I get that it's trying to 'paint' and 'mimic humanity' (without ever understanding humanity more than a digital watch from the 1980s could), but a poetry reading?

Poetry is one of those things I never understood - it's basically taking a ridiculous form of communication, like 'advanced animal utterances', and just arranging and rearranging them to either rhyme or vomit some kind of verbal nonsense into an entangled web of nonsense that in the end, benefits no one and serves no informational or entertainmential (?) purpose. Heck, even rap is better, because it's at least tied to a predetermined timeline and has clear ending in sight, but poetry can run forever.

In any case, it's one thing to bring some kind of 'musical interpretation' that people can enjoy (music is pretty universal with its chord progressions and such), even if a machine can't really create anything, but just interpret and manufacture.

It's also one thing to fabricate paintings in the privacy of your own room and spare time (not that machine should be able to OWN anything).

But to waste everyone's time with some 'poetry reading', that doesn't even require creativity because it's 100% subjective, so it can literally be 'anything as long as it has words', what's the point, and WHY would Riker even want to attend such a ridiculous event? Not to mention a machine doing such reading.. just.. why?

Data is efficient and marvellous invention in many ways, his super-strength often being downplayed in the show, his super fast processing power and so on not always shown, either, so wouldn't 'reading poetry' be a vast waste of its abilities and talents as well? I wouldn't want to go to that poetry reading if my continued painlessness depended on it.

However, my real point is this; Riker should have said something more 'futuristic, sci-fi-oriented and spacey' (I would say 'spacy', but it has a different meaning) than 'I wouldn't miss it for the world'.

THE world? In a STARSHIP that can traverse between billions of worlds as easily as modern cars can between villages and cities? It's like your job is flying all over the planet, and air hostess (yes, I said it) makes a reference to 'the city'. Which city could she be talking about? There is no 'THE city' when you have access to basically ALL of them!

In the same way, especially from Data's perspective, there is no 'THE world', because Data never lived on Earth, its home planet is somewhere they almost never visit, The Enterprise is their long-term base, home and 'world' as they are concerned, a machine wouldn't have a fondness to a specific 'world' anyway and so on and so forth, do I really need to keep going?

Why would '_THE_WORLD_' make _ANY_ sense when you are on the Enterprise, filled with people that have 'come' from all kinds of worlds, can make their own worlds in the Holodeck, live on a spaceship continuously without having a permanent 'world', can visit ANY world the spaceship can reach, not to mention how many 'virtual' and 'etheric', 'fictional' and 'sci-fi' worlds they have ALREADY visited in this show by this point.


WHAT kind of sense does that make?! Seriously, who the heck wrote this and thought it makes sense?! A time-traveling modern writer?!

What IS going on in this show...? Why do people use sayings that make no sense?


We still use sayings from nearly hundreds of years ago older in some cases; "paint the town red" "red sky at night" "Rome wasn't built in a day"
"Mad as a hatter" "kick the bucket" just a few examples. So why wouldn't it still be the same in a hundred years or so from now.
