
Where would you go?
If you were up in space, where and/or what time would you visit?


I'd go to just before you posted this thread and ask you to let me get my run of dog related movies onto trending before doing so.

Where and when would you go Dazed?


I genuinely laughed out loud! I just looked at it good jobπŸ˜‚
I'm going to flip the Linda McCartney burgers so as you were with your dog movies! That isn't my answer btw.

I never expected anyone to ask me or answer me so I truly didn't have an answer prepared, I'm thinking on it...


I'm glad I got a giggle out of you Dazed.

Erm...if I could visit any place or time in a virtual reality machine with the quality of the holodeck I'd probably have adventure on the Starship Enterprise 1701-D.

Have you thought up one yet?


You're a slippery one, that's a paradox or something!

I might go to Florence or New Orleans because there is zero chance it will happen in reality!


Florence is a quick pop over the channel and then down the road for a bit Dazed. Slum it slightly and do hostels or AirB'n'B to keep the costs down.

It'll still cost a few bob but not as much as you might think.

New Orleans is just a constant party though, that can get pricey quickly and is not for the easily tempted. Maybe keep a swear jar and let the grandchildren watch Gordon Ramsay a lot when they are over πŸ˜‚


Thanks for the advice, I'm just a poor traveller.
I hate the whole experience, that's why the idea of teleporting is appealing!
Or those gates they had in https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0123816/?ref_=nv_sr_1


The airports, trains, buses, taxis, border crossings and touts can all get a bit too much for me on occasion but once you're actually at the place and have researched it a little (Wikitravel FTW!) you can plod about and make good use of the time you've allocated for it.

San Gimignano in Tuscany, Southwest of Florence is an absolutely stunning sight and well off the beaten track between Florence and Pisa. Add Lucca onto your itenary and you've explored 4 beautiful parts of Italy all within a couple of hours of each other.

Start planning today and don't be afraid of staying in budget places, that's where the best chat is to be found!



I'd visit a very dark time and place in human history as to be reminded of the kindness and compassion we must do onto others.


A worthy answer twinA


So....you'd go back one week?


hehehe, you may be on to something. πŸ˜†


I'd love to be somewhere where I'm the only guy around and all these gorgeous women want me to pay attention to them.
Of course, in a good drama, something would backfire and I would have to face unintended consequences, but having affection from multiple beauties sure sounds like fun.




The Hyborian Age.




I'd go to the zoo. All the people at the zoo are very nice. They'll treat you real respectable-like!


I think the question is invalid. Holodeck is not a transport device, it's more like a 'recreational dream-fulfiller' (though in the episodes, it's used in a really strange way, considering all this), that can also be used for research, training, educational purposes and such.

So you can't really 'GO' anywhere by the usage of holodeck - you can just create an environment and activity around you.

It of course depends on your life situation and goals, so you could learn Martial Arts or Yoga, you could just create a relaxing environment for meditation or just sitting around and doing nothing, or you could fulfill fantasies of experiencing relatively realistic simulations of things you would never be able to normally do (like flying an airplane very fast at low altitude inside a city), or places where you would never be able to actually go (like ancient Japan), but it will have limitations even when used this way.

For example, you could never simulate the astral world, or a future world.

I think any entity, if being given enough holodeck time (and it would be booked 24h for all eternity, unless there were enough of them so that everyone can use them), would fulfill whatever they can't fulfill in their 'actual life'.

In fact, if using holodeck was completely free, and everyone could have one, most people wouldn't want to leave holodeck for any reason, because nothing in 'real life' would ever be as intense or as fulfilling as their customized 'heaven' would be, whether it comes to social life, environments, culinary life, sensual life, creativity, discussions (would you rather talk with Troi or a perfect replica of Plato (that has been modified to speak your language), when you want philosophical stimulation?), lifestyle, audience, and so on and so forth..

Holodeck would even be more exciting and fulfilling every single second spent there, than even Enterprise's mission of seeking new life and new civilizations could be (on the physical level).


Holodeck would basically be the ultimate drug that most people could never give up for 'mundane, everyday life with actual people'.

Of course the counter-point is, that once you get your dreams 100% fulfilled, you are more balanced entity that can better interact with others and be more tolerant of other people and their failures, and perhaps, out of curiosity, you would sometimes get out and compare the 'dreamlife' to 'mundane life', to appreciate the holo-life even more.

If this kind of technology will ever exist on the physical level in a given world before that world's people have reached a certain level of spiritual cultivation, it will inevitably destroy all culture and all aspirations of most people - it will make the world collapse (which will probably remove the ability to use holodecks), and force the people to start over.

The sad thing is, that although Holdeck would make learning and research a lot more intense, interesting and effective, it would also destroy the point of learning and knowing anything, because you can have basically -everything- imaginable (that's possible on the physical level) handed to you on a silver platter without any effort on your part for as long as your body lives. Even 'intimacy', 'friendship' and 'human contact' - because the holodeck chars are completely convincing and have any abilities you wish them to have, from acting skills, personalities and looks to 'service skills' of ALL types.. you would have a huge group of beautiful people (that look any way you wish, even as 'alien' as you want) dressed in any way you wish, serving you anything you wish them to serve, all waking hours (and even guarding you while you sleep if you so wish). They can wake you up in any way you wish..

Holodeck would destroy all motivation for research, exploration and work - how could anyone do any even relatively 'menial' work, like programming a spaceship's computers, maintenance and fixing of plumbing (or anything, really)..?
