Like eating a pike

Early in Pym's spying career, he is brought before X (I didn't catch his name) who seems to be Control. X is cleaning weeds out of his pond to make it into a trout stream. After Pym leaves, X makes two remarks: 1. Pym's mysterious contact seems to be batting and bowling, and 2. Pym's information is like eating a pike, all bones and not much meat.

Given that early astute assessment by X, why wasn't Pym watched very carefully? It doesn't seem likely Axel ever would have given up anything of real importance. What was Pym's value to the service?


I had to rewatch the conversation Col. Membry (your X) had with his wife. She sagely observed that he might have got the wrong night or the wrong barn while he was dragging the lake for weed. My impression was that he didn't have much to go on. He made a rendevous with the Czechs and nobody turned up. Membry had his suspicions of course - he thought the material passed to the British was a little too flashy, but that is no reason to suspect Pym's loyalty, and he sums up the situation by saying that the Czechs could not completely hoodwink an older, more experienced man. Furthermore, the Foreign Office and the senior military people were delighted with Pym's performance, so he decided not to spoil Pym's coup.

Of course, we as viewers are much smarter and know the dreadful outcome of Pym's deceipt, but this is what storytelling is all about. We are carried along by the narrative, and only imagine we would have behaved differently in the circumstances.


It is not Pym that Membury distrusts - it is his material. He is the little naughty poor boy who sees that the Emperor only wears his woollies. Membury just resolves that if 'they' like Pym ands material, then why should he stand in a lake in the Alps, shouting SPY? (Suddenly, I don't remember whether that is part of the Series)

But all the better people (rest of the MI-clan and his wife and Grant Lederer - The Third) are taken by Pym's obvious charm. A quality, without which any con man would be de-masked in five minutes.

Look around your City and you will see them in bundles, manning your Talk Shows on your Telly.
