MovieChat Forums > Good Morning, Miss Bliss (1987) Discussion > I never remember seeing this show. It s...

I never remember seeing this show. It should be released on DVD.

If it isn't I won't be able to see it.

Terminator: Hasta lavista, baby.



and he is correct


This should be considered the first real season of Saved By The Bell. I bought the first season on dvd and it was the high school years. That should be the second season. I think that is what the producers should ave done when releasing the show on dvd. It's all Peter Engel


If you have a Netflix account, you can use the Instant Watching feature to stream the whole season of GMMB.


The junior high episodes were never released on DVD, mainly because Disney owned that show, and NBC was unable to get the license to release it on DVD

the DVD episodes are from the high school years and forward

honestly, once they got to the New Class, I thought those episodes were okay, but I didn't care for the College Years


This show wasn't even worth it. Only a few of the characters were on it, it wasn't worth watching. Saved by the bell/College Years/and the movies were better.

"F *** the president! He's not over there fighting this war" - Ryan Phillippe (Stop Loss)


If one were so inclined you could make a DVD of the series but capturing the Netflix streams. (Yes, it can be done, I did it.)


I beg to differ, I thought the college years sucked
