MovieChat Forums > The Bold and the Beautiful (1987) Discussion > Why can't the women marry who they want?

Why can't the women marry who they want?

First Steffy, now Brooke?

When Steffy was set to marry Wyatt, Thomas was scheming with Liam saying stuff like, "Steffy belongs with you." Now that Brooke is set to marry Bill, Rick is doing the same thing with Ridge. I know it's a soap but everytime the women choose someone, it seems like one of the guys are like "no she doesn't belong with him, let's sabotage." Is this just with the guys?

-Who is it?
-It's Grandpa. And it sounds like he's gotten into the horseradish again.


And that's what keeps the drama is a soap opera. You have to have people marry someone you know isn't the right for them to keep that tension for the one everyone knows should be together. Lord knows no one really wants to see Brooke with Dollar Bill especially seeing how they don't have much chemistry exact for sex but it can't be so easy to have Brooke run back to her one again off again Ridge.

My job is to inform, not persuade- Dan Rather


I'd just like to see more scenes with the women scheming then. Make it equal opportunity because sometimes it feels controlling

-Who is it?
-It's Grandpa. And it sounds like he's gotten into the horseradish again.


you must have missed all the scheming from steffy to keep liam and hope from getting married, or all the scheming from quinn to keep liam away from hope and steffy

~ TAKE the ticket!


To be perfectly honest, I haven't been watching long enough to see those storylines. I started watching when Wyatt showed up, and even then, Liam stole a truck to kidnap Hope and keep her from dating Wyatt. But I'll take your word for it and completely apologize if I'm wrong. Not trying to be disrespectful but it just seems to be mostly the guys recently.

-Who is it?
-It's Grandpa. And it sounds like he's gotten into the horseradish again.


You've been watching long enough to know about Hope, but haven't seen the stuff Quinn's done in the past couple of years?


steffy and wyatt were already married when liam returned from being kidnapped. there was no scheming between thomas and liam. steffy left wyatt and moved in with thomas. he and liam were just having a random conversation when thomas said that liam and steffy belonged together.

bb likes triangles. now that steffy and liam are back together, time for the next triangles bill brooke ridge and sasha zende nicole.

~ TAKE the ticket!


Its called lame writing and B Bell is famous for it. I find theres always a character who can explain their idiotic actions and make it ok because another character is doing it or something along those lines.

It must be like seaseme street fir the poor actors but atleast they dont have to work to hard on BB!


They already did the Sasha/Zende/Nicole triangle. I should hope that Sasha wouldn't be stupid enough to take Zende back after the way he's disrespected her; hence no repeat.
