Congrats to Thorsten Kaye

You've managed to turn my opinion of Ridge Forrester from neutral (under Ronn Moss) into one about as negative as imaginable. Someone who is a vicious, cold, selfish and ruthless thug who deserves to be knocked on his ass and his teeth punched down his throat. The disrespectful and condescending way he talked to Wyatt alone in today's ep (Fri) made me wish for him to walk across the room and punch Ridge's lights out. Old Ridge would never have acted like this.


Ron Moss didn't have the range to act like this.

#RyanPotterForTimDrake #AsianBlackLightning


Ron Moss didn't have the range to act like this

       

Maybe life is a dream and we wake up when we die?


I truly cannot stand Ridge. I wish that he would leave the show permanently!

Wonder is the seed of knowledge.🐈 


I personally don't think that they should have brought Ridge back. They should have brought Thorne back instead and gave him a story to go up against Rick and Bill. Nothing against TK, but the only thing that I have liked him doing as Ridge is when he got with Caroline. Other than that, his Ridge is a bust!


Me too. Can't stand his raspy whisper. What the hell is that about?? Keifer Sutherland does it too. Hate the actor and the character.


I was never a fan of Ron Moss. Sorry B&B fans, I know I'm in the minority here but he always seemed kind of creepy to me. I can't explain it but I like Thorsten Kaye better. He's a better actor but I'm not a fan of Ridge. He plays him as very arrogant and kind of cold. Perhaps that's just the writing but Ridge goes through phases of annoying me

-Who is it?
-It's Grandpa. And it sounds like he's gotten into the horseradish again.


I think Thorsten Kaye is great as Ridge. Brings much more depth to the role and makes Ridge a more complicated and interesting character. Ron Moss was terrible. He couldn't act his way out of a paper bag.


Ronn was a horrible 80s fake actor and Thorstyn can act but should never have taken over as Ridge. This character has been ruined due to the writing though.


I absolutely agree. Thorsten Kaye is a very good actor, but not a lot he can do with what they give him. Ron Moss needs to hit the has been circuit with Player and stick to late night soft core B flicks.


Ronn Moss' Ridge was a vapid, simpering Ken Doll from the 70's. At least TK's Ridge has more emotional range.

LIZ 10:I'm the bloody Queen, mate. Basically, I rule.Dr.Who
