Pam and Quinn

I almost started laughing when Pam said she had been talking to Stephanie and she's not happy. If Pam thinks she's hearing Stephanie talking to her, she's got a bigger problem than Quinn running Forrester and dating Eric. She might want to go see a doctor. Then towards the end Pam appears out of nowhere and startling Quinn in the dark. Has Pam lost her mind or she is going to try and make Quinn think Stephanie is haunting her or something?


I'm wondering if Pam's brain tumor might be coming back. Whatever it is, I really don't care to see it. She is a joke, and an unnecessary distraction, along with her cooking every holiday dinner and her lemon bars!!


so true chel! She is a ridiculous character and not interesting in the least. She and her friend Charlie need to go.

An intellectual carrot ,the mind boggles!


omg did this just come out of left field?

That Pam is indeed one loony toon. Has she been like this before or is this a first?


Pam used to be legitimately crazy (perhaps even worse than Quinn, though I did miss most of Quinn's antics) until she had a brain tumor removed. If I remember correctly, I think she once covered Donna in honey and locked her in a room with a bear.


omg that is hilarious! And that guy with her doesn't seem too much healthier in the mind. lol

And she had the nerve to judge Quinn?


Pam's doing it on purpose to unnerve Quinn. You didn't really think she was serious, did you? She's playing tricks and I find it funny. 


I think Pam has eaten way too many lemon bars.


I like Pam versus Quinn, crazy versus crazy. Quinn needs a dose of her own medicine.


I like Pam messing with Quinn it's either her or Sheila Carter who need to screw Quinn's mind up real bad. I think it would turn deadlier with Sheila.


Pam used to be worse than Quinn... and maybe she's headed that way again. Charlie didn't even seemed phased. He's like "yeah this is what I deal with."

-Who is it?
-It's Grandpa. And it sounds like he's gotten into the horseradish again.


I liked how they showed how differently each one saw it. Pam thought she was a bad ass; Quinn thought she was a joke. I love the actress who plays Pam, but the character is just ridiculous.

"Leave me to do my dark bidding on the internet!"
