The outdated sets

The interior of Forrester Creations is soooo outdated. I can guarantee no fashion house looks like that mahogany hellhole in 2016. Let's update, B&B! Maybe a large design studio with a computer?! I have not seen a single computer on any set except at Quinn's kidnapping cottage!! Perhaps there could be a fashion show? I haven't seen one of those or any new fashion lines promoted in YEARS.
I know you have the funds to do so as there have been ZERO updates or upgrades on any of the sets in at least 10 years. This is the most watched soap opera IN THE WORLD. Start dressing like it. And please for god sake, get Brooke some volume tracks for her hair. I'm tired of the only people who have luxurious hair being Steffy, Sasha, and Ridge.


Soaps aren't what they used to be. Sadly, they don't spend money on sets these days. We are lucky they haven't all moved into a hotel/apartment like they did on GL (Springfield Towers) and Y and R (Genoa City Athletic Club)
At least most of them have homes except for Julius and Viv. Although many of them end up living at Erics.


I dont really mind those forrester office sets since theyve been around since day 1 but I miss the good ol days when everyone had their own offices I remember Brookes Office with the bed in it..freakin HILARIOUS! Speakin of Brooke Again I miss seeing her living room wtf bring that back! Give Katie a set too! What a mess.


So the house that Katie was looking at that is supposed to be next door to Eric Forrestor's house looks like a condo. Was that supposed to be the front door of the house? It looks like a small apartment that's behind the house. It's ridiculous.
