why does quinn still want

wyatt with steffy? and why is she telling him don't give up?

steffy's basically cheating on him at this point. she never wanted him to be second choice with ivy. what's so great about steffy?

~ TAKE the ticket!


For no reason really, I mean I'm far from a Quinn fan but she shouldn't be trying so hard to be nice to Steffy after she broke Wyatt's little heart. Yes, she with Eric but my only guess for Quinn wanting them together is because she doesn't want her son to be a loser.

My job is to inform, not persuade- Dan Rather


I thought I would hurl today the way she was going on and on about Steffy. She inspires loyalty and trust? Please. 
Nutzo's doing some serious butt licking.


The sad thing is that wanting to be with a girl that's far more in love with his brother is what makes him a loser LOL.


Truthfully the whole Quinn playing nice is icky.

Quinn was much more fun to watch in her bitch mode.

Maybe when it all comes crashing down upon her she can say, hey I tried to be your friend and you spit in my face.

That has to be what it's all building toward.


Steffy and Wyatt are broken up. By definition, neither of them can cheat on the other.
