MovieChat Forums > The Bold and the Beautiful (1987) Discussion > Thomas is back and he's running around h...

Thomas is back and he's running around half naked!

Pierson Fodé has returned as Thomas Forrester and appears to be back on the prowl and bearing his chest and then some with no explanation as to what happened with his relationship to Caroline and his child in New York. The actress who plays Caroline and most of the other available young women on B&B are gone so at the moment only Nicole remains as a possible target for Thomas' charms, and that seems unlikely since he fiddled around with her sister Sascha.

So what is in store for the character?

Pierson is the best looking actor currently on B&B and he actually looks like he could be the son of Ron Moss, the original Ridge and I think the time has come for Thomas to take over his father's rep as the resident "ladies' man/sex symbol" on the show. The actor also has the same spectacular look that must have had women glued to their TV sets in the 1980s when Ron Moss first appeared in B&B wearing nothing but a speedo and since men's bikini bathing suits are making a comeback it would seem that Thomas should take his dad's speedo out of storage or better still, be put on display in his own next to nothing bathing suit. This might be the shot in the arm that is needed to revive B&B and get it away from the boring love triangle rut the show has been stuck in for far too long. I think Pierson Fodé has the balls (excuse the pun) to become the Ridge Forrester for the new millennium if the writers get off their duff and exploit this handsome and talented actor. What do you think, ladies (and guys)?


Thomas is back and he's running around half naked!

... and waxed!

It kind of looked funny seeing a full face of hair nubs all the way down his neck ... but not one hair to go with it further below.

His bod looks pretty buff though. :)



Men are attracted to women, not other men.

0w0w... I'm not even going to touch that one.... :/


"and guys
I'm pretty sure the guys don't care. Men are attracted to women, not other men."

Ahem, excuse me? What world do you live in?


it makes me almost throw up sicken...when will the writers learn it just does not work with him he is Creepy looking ..

thanks much for your efforts on my behalf
stay safe


One where millions of sexually reproducing species are still alive?


And what does that have to do with anything? I am painfully aware that you are the self-appointed resident know-it-all on this board and that every post you put on this board is such a negative argument simply for the sake of arguing, and I am also painfully aware that one of your 'weapons' is using definitions to attempt to point out just how wrong someone is for simply having the nerve to disagree with your point.
And then we have something like this "Men are attracted to women, not other men." By all definitions, here, I will quote for you;

"man (măn)
n. pl. men (mĕn)
1. An adult male human.
2. A human regardless of sex or age; a person.
3. A human or an adult male human belonging to a specific occupation, group, nationality, or other category. Often used in combination: a milkman; a congressman; a freeman.
4. The human race; mankind: man's quest for peace.
5. A male human endowed with qualities, such as strength, considered characteristic of manhood.
6. Informal
a. A husband.
b. A male lover or sweetheart."

This is just one example, but nowhere other than in your mind does the definition mention anything about the term being subject to whom the person is or isn't attracted to. That is your view. Which is fine, but it is the absolute height of hypocrisy to sit there in judgement of everyone else on this board (Erm, it is only a soap opera fan board so it is a little unnecessary) and criticize every perceived grammatical error or misuse of a word when the point they were making was plainly clear, and then come on here and do the same thing- and I am certain I can predict the future here where you will come here, rip this post to shreds, tell anyone reading how you are somehow right and this is plainly wrong without ever admitting that maybe you too have made some sort of insignificant error. I would love to be proved wrong but it really does seem beyond your abilities to show any level of humility or self awareness.


All males are naturally attracted to females; as are all females to males, because that is how a species survives. It's not "my view"; it's biology. If it wasn't true, we would all be dead (with the exception of amoebas etc). Boy+girl=baby 


Your statement would be more correct if you exchanged the word ALL for,perhaps,the word MOST.


The purpose of sex is procreation. This applies to everyone. All animals, therefore, are naturally heterosexual (although all animals have the capacity to choose bisexuality).


Once again officerhaughty is here to prove to everyone what an ignorant moron he/she is. No need to keep proving it, we already know.


I know, biology is so ignorant!


He's much heavier, though. His face is too full. Not as cute to me... :(


I agree pdbrat. His face is fat...looks to bulky.


Maybe if he shaved that ugly facial fuzz, which most of the men on this show seem to have, his face might look more normal. If the "half beard" look is a new "style" it is the ugliest one I have seen in a long time. This is the 21st Century, not the 15th.


Much heavier? He's downright fat, even fatter than Wyatt now. They both need to hit the gym together.


I hope what you mean by "fat" is that you think both actors have too much body fat. If Darrin Brooks (Wyatt) lost any more weight you wouldn't be able to see him when he turned sideways. As for Pierson Fode (Thomas) he is a very tall and muscular guy with great abs in his late 20s. During that period men tend to develop thicker skulls which adds to their upcoming 30s maturity. I am not saying this is the case but Thomas is certainly not a twenty-something in the story line either. But I agree that too many sugared lattes and in 'n' out burgers may also be why he is beginning to look more plump in the face. Regardless of the cause, his role on B&B in particular requires being shirtless a lot, it seems, so he definitely needs to be more diligent in his gym visits than Wyatt. And he needs to shave that ridiculous fuzz off his face, which makes him (also Liam & Ridge)look like homeless men on poverty row.


Fat?? Wyatt fat, too?


Wyatt does not look fat.
