Ridge is an awful son

Good grief, his father recently practically died, and now he's lusting after his wife. He doesn't really seem to care about anyone but himself.


How can one take Ridge's "family" talk seriously when he was not there for Stephanie's funeral? I know this was bad timing with Ronn Moss leaving. The writers should have written him there, off camera but say he came and went. Its hard to take his scruffy replacement seriously.

I don't know who was initially with Brooke first. Was it Ridge, or Eric? I remember Brooke always wanted Ridge but he loved Caroline and then Taylor. I can't remember if Brooke was with him first or Eric when she had Rick and then Bridget.

Anyway, Ridge acting like he is looking out for his dad is a huge joke. He recently was going to pass off his grandson as his own. He's a real dick. I hope Quinn doesn't sleep with him.


sadly, it looks as though Quinn will succumb to Ridge's charms. I really think TK is handsome though.

An intellectual carrot , the mind boggles


I don't think he's unattractive, but I don't think he's good looking or charming enough for Quinn to develop feelings for a guy who has been so awful to her. *Maybe* I could buy it if it had come on suddenly after the trip to San Fran, but she was already start to develop feelings even when he was still openly trying to trap her.


been so awful to her

When has that stopped anyone from being attracted to anyone?


I don't think it's fair to say he's an awful son...without also pointing out that he's an awful father.


What have they done to this character? Not that he was that great when RM played him, but at least he was better than this.


Well, I think we can round up and just say he is an awful human being.


I don't know how anyone can take Ridge as handsome...he is so unkempt...looks like a bum and looks like he would smell...Quinn is so neat and clean looking...can't imagine them being intimate. Eric is neat and clean looking...matches Quinn more.


I know, but I like those 'bad boys' just like Quinn

An intellectual carrot , the mind boggles
