MovieChat Forums > 21 Jump Street (1987) Discussion > Could they reboot this show??

Could they reboot this show??

I came across an episode of this show on TV last weekend, and it made me want to watch all of the seasons of it over again. I had forgotten how funny, and well written it is, and I think it would be a hit show once again. They could recreate the charictors like on Hawaii 5-0 or make it the next generation of undercover cops at Jump St Chapel like their kids--maybe Hoffs and Penhall's sons, and Ioki's daughter, something like that. What do you all think?


It wouldn't be realistic that all of their kids became cops - and all ended up in Jump Street too. Maybe one of them. Or one of the original cast can be back as captain. It might be fun to see him (or her, if it's Hoffs) remembering the past in flashbacks - if something relates to a current case.

I don't usually like remakes/reboots.


It might be fun to see him (or her, if it's Hoffs) remembering the past in flashbacks -

There's an episode like that set way in the future. It was awful.

You have many question, Mr Sparkle. I send you premium -- answer question, hundred percent!


There's an episode like that set way in the future. It was awful

I never saw it. Was it one of those really stupid ones with robot people and people living on other planets? I know that was a popular "future" thing back then, and I always thought it was so stupid.


Yes, that episode was very weird, and unlike much of the rest of the series. It showed all of the Jump St Cops as elderly people, looking back on their time at the Chapel, but it also had a very post apocalyptic feel to it that seems more then a little out of place. Movies like the Terminator and Total Recall were HIGE at the time, but it seemed very out of place in this series. If they were to remake it, and use flashbacks in it, I hope it would be better then this particular episode, but on a whole, it was a very good show then, and probably could be again.


That's what I mean. I HATED Total Recall. Guess what? Here we are, in what was the "future" then, and we do not go to work on Mars, vacation on Neptune, etc.

The flashbacks (if done right) would be of the old series, so it might be ok, if not overdone.

I also can't see the entire crew being kids of the old cast. For every one of them to have their kids decide to be cops, and those cops just happen to be part of the program, just isn't realistic. One or two at the most.

Maybe the kid who goes back to it could be the son or daughter of Hoffs and Penhall. Backstory that they got together some time after the original series ended. Ioki would be a good captain.


That could be good, I also wondered if one of Blowfish's kids would have gone on to become a cop since they grew up around them.


I agree that Ioki would be a good captain, but the actor who played him (Dustin Nguyen) moved back to Viet Nam where he is currently a huge movie actor.


Then my next choice would be Hoffs. I don't see any of the others as captain though.


NO! No No no no NO! We already have those shltty movie remakes people are dumb enough to like, a TV show wouldn't get it any better.


I agree with you about the movies, the only things they kept were the name and some of the concept... but I meant more along the lines of an updated version of the show, using the same premise as the original, and possibly some of the same charictors. They could either use the same charictors, or focusing on the original officers kids. They did a good job on the update of Hawaii 5-0, so I wondered if they could do the same for this show.


The movies weren't that bad if you watch them as nothing more than stand alone silly comedies. Most movies based on old TV shows are parodies.


It wouldn't work. Today''s social media would make it impossible for them to be undercover more than only once.


If that were the case, that Jump Street would not work today due to Social media, then how do you explain all the cops who are currently working under cover in States and elsewhere right now?? Clearly, they could find a way to do it.


Teens are more likely to take pictures, post them and pass them along. It isn't always easy to opt out of a pic nowadays. The taker could be quick or the subject not even knowing they were caught in the picture. Could you imagine one of the Jump Street crew on one Facebook page and then another and another. Jurisdiction is only within a given area unless it's a federal organization. People at an area high school often knows kids who attend other local schools.


It would not matter of they take a picture of them in Charictor, that's what the people they are investigating are supposted to think they are like. Go watch the last episode of season 1, Hanson was dressed up like a punk kid, leather jacket, spikey hair...etc, no one would have recognized him outside of that school, and even if they did, he could have brushed it off like "Oh, some kid out there just kind of looks like me..." I have friends who are cops, some of them have gone undercover, believe me, there are ways around it. And as far as Facebook goes, put the accounts on Private, with no visable personal photos... Problem solved.


That was one episode. They usually looked like themselves or with little variation. The owners of the profiles decide whether or not the accounts are private. I wasn't talking about the cops' accounts but the real students. No one would believe these people have that many lookalikes.
People still go undercover but usually not within the only few high schools in their area on a regular basis and without extreme disguise.

The only way a reboot would work set in this day and age would be to have a revolving door of cops featured. Even then, the kids would probably take notice of all the new kids that keep popping up all the time.


Clearly you have no interest in hearing anyone else's opinion or thoughts, because if YOU believe there is no way this could happen, there is no way it could... I'm glad all of the actual undercover officers are more protected then you seem to think they are,take your beliefs, and those crappy movies, and have a lovely day.


I do enjoy reading other opinions. That is why I visit this message board as opposed to having a blog. I am though entitled to my opinion as you are entitled to yours. We have both been stating what we believe.

Being undercover with adults is different. Some have short lasting assignments for vice crimes like making a drug buy or catching those soliciting sex. Some are more complex which requires time to gain the confidence of the inside people, like what was shown in the Donnie Brasco story. People now leave computer trails and backgrounds can be more easily checked. It's still done yet as not easily as it once was, though never truly easy.

What this program showed though was different. Nearly every American high school students, it seems, has a smartphone. They are constantly taking pictures and sharing them. The cops are local ones and thus have only a handful of high schools, at best, within their jurisdiction. High school kids often know kids attending other area high schools and talk more frequently today and share info. Today's technology would make it just about impossible for a foursome of cops to infiltrate the high schools on a regular basis.
The students back then should have caught on after a few times, at least, but then there wouldn't have been a show.
I guess they could reboot it and pretend teens don't regularly use social media.

There's no need to be rude. If you can't handle opposing opinions then you instead need a blog with a disabled comments section rather than taking part in exchanges on message boards.
Those crappy movies? Again, that is silly. I'm guessing you mean the parodies made based on this show. For the record, they aren't among my favorites. I don't though worry about them or those that may like them. This is just a TV show and no need to take it so seriously.


No one is being rude to you, you are the one who seems to be so consumed with your own opinion that you can not seem to view, acknowlage, or accept that anyone else is entitled to have one that is different from your own. You are entitled to your own beliefs, I'm entitled to disagree with you, and it does not mean that anyone is being rude to you.


take your beliefs, and those crappy movies, and have a lovely day.

That was rude.

You posted your opinion. I posted mine and reasons. I've been explanatory. I never stated that you couldn't have a differing opinion. I've acknowledged your opinion. I just disagreed with you. That is permitted. I mentioned Facebook and such and your answer was to have the officers' accounts set to private. I then clarified what I though was already clear, that I meant the students' account. We we having a discussion until you got upset and became rude.

1. What is you opinion on how a local cop that has only about three or so high schools within his jurisdiction could continuously then fool the same group of students over and over again.
It's more than you want it to happen, they did it in the past, some are undercover in adult situations, etc. Tell how you expect this scenario could today realistically happen.

2. And how do you stop these same students from using their smartphones, taking pictures, posting on social media, etc. If you try to ban photos after the fact then it's too late and possibly fall under censorship since they are students attending the school.


I think it would be good to make Hoffs the new Captian, and then maybe one or two of the guys (Hanson, Penhall, and/or Ioki's) kids as new officers. Sal could possibly come back as the maintenance engineer, or one of his kids decided to become a policeman etc..Good genes in their families could explain how all of them still look so young, and it leaves the door open for some of the original guys to come in as guest stars as well.


Hoffs should be the captain. Penhall's adopted kid should be on the squad and maybe Ioki had a daughter while Hansen has a nephew or cousin that joins up.

When there's no more room in Hollywood, remakes shall walk the Earth.


I like that idea. Holly Robinson Peete was on Mike & Molly, since it just ended, maybe it would be a good time for her to reprise her roll as Hoffs; She (Hoffs) also seemed to excel in the ranks over her male counterparts, it would make sense for her to be captain. And since Dustin Nguyen has 2 daughters in real life, it would also make sense for Ioki to have had a daughter. Plus this would leave the door open for the guys to stop in a guest stars. :)


Hoffs would probably be a good captain. Maybe one of the other former cops kids could be on the team, more than that would be ridiculous.


The concept of undercover kids enforcing the law has already been done in comics and in pulp fiction since the 60s and 70s in Europe.One popular pulp version in my country takes place in the Wild West,and ''Ioki'' is a Comanche Indian! :) They should take Jump Street in the Wild West and forget all about schools!We need a good script no matter what the period is!


When we are saying "kids" we really mean the adult "kids" of the former cops. I could maybe find it believable that one or two of the original cops' kids totally "followed the footsteps" of their parents. But all of them having kids who became cops, in the same area AND joined the program?


Well Penhall & Hansen were killed off in the 21 Jump Street movie. Other than that Hoffs as the new Jump Street Captain. Fuller as the City Mayor. Ioki could be a high ranking officer in the Force. Booker could be involved having his own private security company. I like the old formula of 2 white males, 1 Asian male and a black female as the central characters. Plus they could add a few more officers as supporting cast as needed. Blowfish could be chief of maintenance.


I wouldn't care if it were their kids or not....but considering how many police units there are in America....I could see this type of reboot working. The premise of 'youthful looking cops' would actually be fairly easy to pull off.

Probably would have to think like the star trek franchise and introduce new people each generation. Could not use the same people.

Am not sure with all the protests against cops this would be 'good timing'


They could reboot it and set it in the 80s. No need to have it take place in 2024.
