MovieChat Forums > Youngblood (1986) Discussion > Who do you think Dean love more Derek or...

Who do you think Dean love more Derek or Jessie ?.

I think Derek love each other but both Dean and Derek were to scared to admit they love each other and admit they were gay or bi.

I Know you may not think Dean or Derek were gay or bi.

But I really sure sexual tension between this two guys they were holding hands in hospital and when hug each other and then they gave each other kiss on neck.


In no way did I ever think there could be a chance either character could be gay or bi!!! Dean and Derek were good friends- almost like brothers. I never sensed any sexual attraction between the two. Derek (according to imdb) originally had a girlfriend but all her scenes were cut out. Dean has sex with two different females in the movie. I did think it was a little suspect that Derek swats at his teammate's crotch in the exercise room with a towel but not a huge deal. I still think Derek preferred females.

