Youngblood remake

Not really remake but how about a new movie about a kid coming to make a junior A team. Only instead let him join while he is still hs. Show the Anamosity of candains towards americans coming to canada and playign junior and have him grow as a player thought out the season instead of a month like in YB. An i m surpised there was never a series about hcokey players in canada oh well maybe i am just a hockey crazy Yank. Matter a fact i m going to go play right after i make this post.


come on people tell me what you think


I think movies about hockey died after The Mighty Ducks D3.


Mircle did really well and it was hockey movie ?




There could be a Youngblood update, with the Deaner retiring as one of the biggest hockey superstars in history, then becoming a coach, but ends up having to lace up the skates again when one of his best players is injured in the playoffs.

Rob Lowe would do it...hell he'd do anybody.

And to the poster above...I remember 1982 very well, a damn good year. But I'm not too damn old!

Living in the penthouse must be nice, but it's a shorter fall from the basement. -Florida Evans



If the movie were to do with today's NHL, it would be a snore-fest.

Look what's happened in pro hockey since the original Youngblood appeared in 1986: A helmet used to be optional (Craig MacTavish never wore one, right up until he retired), but now its required. Fights were a part of the game, but now, the rules have changed where goons and tough guys are being phased out!

Today, seeing a hockey fight is about as common as a bench-clearing brawl in baseball. You get to see one every so often, but not every game. The NHL doesn't want to be known as a caveman league anymore. But that was part of the fun.

Movies about hockey aren't exciting anymore. The NHL saw to that.

Living in the penthouse must be nice, but it's a shorter fall from the basement. -Florida Evans



Ahh, I gotcha. I was born in '71 so I guess I can't remember '72 that great. But I know what you mean.

The generation born in the late-80's were born into just about every modern convenience, and pretty much are full of themselves.

I was a Pac-Man addict, along with just about every other video game, movie, TV show, cartoon...etc. when ALL of that stuff was GOOD. The garbage pumped out by the entertainment industry today can't compare to the stuff from yesteryear. There are lots of stuff I'd love to do (or do over again) if I were younger, but I wouldn't trade youth for all the memories I got of growing up in the 70's and 80's. I guess that officially makes me "old"!

Living in the penthouse must be nice, but it's a shorter fall from the basement. -Florida Evans



Yeah, movies today tend to play it safe as far as that sort of thing goes. I don't think anyone born in 1986 could watch Youngblood and find it entertaining enough to watch or enjoy. There's got to be explosions, guns, excessive swearing, completely unrealistic human feats that defy the laws of gravity and are just all out physically impossible...all of which are made possible thanks to the bastardization known as CGI!

Movies were funner in my opinion when "anything" wasn't possible. Unless its a comedy or drama, an action film today is so over-the-top it's annoyingly pure insanity.

Youngblood wasn't an action film, I'm not even sure what category it fits into: coming of age teen drama, romance, comedy...but like you said, the movie would be made completely different today if it were to be re-made. Its kind of a guilty pleasure to watch this movie, because it just bleeds the 80's, with its cheesy acting and music. Fun to watch nonetheless.

The best scene by far is the bar scene with the false teeth in the drink!

Living in the penthouse must be nice, but it's a shorter fall from the basement. -Florida Evans



Exactly. The Star Wars "prequels" and even the latest "Indiana Jones" movie are prime examples of just how much movie-making from the 70's and 80's have evolved. George Lucas has lost his mind. In his opinion, you can never have too much over-the-top craziness and eye candy. That's not what makes a movie good!

Give me cheesy special effects if it means a fantastic story and interesting characters. I'm one of the few out there that enjoys "Krull", another science-fiction/fantasy movie. Another film that people from today that would leave about 15 minutes into it.

Living in the penthouse must be nice, but it's a shorter fall from the basement. -Florida Evans


I'm 17, and I just saw Youngblood tonight. I loved it. It was a great movie...although it was cheesy in some parts.

Go in with no expectations, come out with no disappointments.


Good movies like "Youngblood" don't need to be remade. They should remake the awful "Vision Quest," and do it right this time. Axe that stupid love story and concentrate on the sport..

"IMdB; where 14 year olds can act like jaded 40 year old critics...'


They did remake it, it was called point break. Same story, themes, tones, characters....even the same actors.

Oh what a day. What a lovely day!
