Best hockey movie ever
I think that this has to be the best hockey movie ever welll slap shot but this is still the best hockey movie ever!!!
Go Blues!!!!!
"Lets hug it out, Bitch" -entourage-
I think that this has to be the best hockey movie ever welll slap shot but this is still the best hockey movie ever!!!
Go Blues!!!!!
"Lets hug it out, Bitch" -entourage-
more like
4.Mighty Ducks Trilogy (and people wonder why americans dont like hockey)
It's a great movie. I'd like my son to watch, but he's almost 9 and there is too much swearing in it unfortunately.
shareBut just the right amount of violence!
This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.
More like (needs a new thread?)
2) Mystery, Alaska
3) The Rocket
4) Goon
5) Youngblood
Mighty Ducks do not belong in a movie, much less in an arena (sorry Suck fans).
If you notice that Miracle is not on my list, there's a reason. It has several fatal flaws. Basically it's just a bad movie about an epic event, which is far from the greatest "miracle" on ice. Read up about the Summit Series with Canada vs. the commies. THAT was a MIRACLE, and a much more entertaining, legendary story. There are several amazing documentaries and movies that include real footage and describe the whole cold-war feeling a lot better. Not to mention that as far as I know, it was never said that the US had to go on and play FInland. It a good movie, I saw it once, and on my shelf it site. Goon, Youngblood, and especially Slapshot have been watched over and over and over again.
I should add that Rob Zombie is doing a flick about the Broad Street Bullies, and Kevin Smith's movie might be a classic too.
Youngblood is great, but FAR from the best. Only a Blues fan could think that. ZING!
No disrespect, but Team Canada was made up of NHL players. Among the best playing at the time, quite a few ended up in the Hall of Fame. Pretty much equals to the Soviets. Whereas the '80 American Olympic team was a bunch of college players, average age about 23, few distinguished themselves in the NHL, most where there and gone.
This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.
Let's not forget
4. Mystery, Alaska
5. Strange Brew The Adventures of Bob and Doug Mckenzie
6. First 5 mins of Happy Gilmore
4. YES
5. No
6. NO
"4.Mighty Ducks Trilogy (and people wonder why americans dont like hockey)"
I dont get it. haha please explain! I'm an American and I am a girl and HOCKEY is one of my favvvv sports!!! haha I love the Canes! I love Eric Staal (got his jersey!!!plus hes pretty cute! haha) Mike Commodore, Cam Ward, Ray Whitney, Erik Cole(poor guy his neck is gettin better though! hes finally starting to skate and pass a puck around) Frank Kaberle, Andrew Ladd and many more...
I also like Gary Roberts (his daughter used to go to my school and we were good friends!), Jeff O'neill, Sami Kapenan, Scott NIEDERMYER (awesome name haha), Ron Francis (his kids go to my school and he is our Varsity Softball Asst Coach, he wants to start and coach a hockey team at my school too) and Arturs Irbe (IRBE SAYS NO!) haha so obviously Im a huge hockey fan!!!
I dont know why Americans dont like hockey. Its probably the roughest sport played professionally, way more places and ways to get injured. Cute boys (I aint gunna lie) I dont know, its way more fun to go to a game than it is to watch it on TV and once you get addicted, you LOVE IT!!! ahaha but I am going right now to watch the CANES woop the Sabres butts!!!
but please to explain that comment! i just dont get why the Mighty Ducks would be the reason.
backseat, windows up...
Ahhhh, puck bunnies.....
This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.
LOL!!! First thing I thought of was Puck Bunny.
Seriously, I'm sick of the myth that Americans don't like hockey. We just have more to watch, but we have endless passionate players and fans. It's Canada's sport for sure, but guess where they want to play... booyah.
Well, where they will play whenever Bettman is impeached and we get our season back.
1. Miracle
2. Maurice Richard The Rocket
3. Youngblood
4. Slapshot
5. Mystery Alaska
6. Mighty Ducks 1
How the heck can you guys say Mystery Alaska?
It was too long of a movie with only probably 15 minutes worth of hockey in it. It was barely a hockey movie and more of a Russel Crowe's life drama.
I fail to see how Miracle makes any list. THe Summit Series was better, and the movie itself is a bad representation that shows little of the cold-war tension or the actual history and the game.
And the Ducks? This reeks of fail.
Agree with the thread starter. Youngblood is the best.
I've met the Hanson Bros., played at the War Memorial (where slapshot was filmed) dozens of times, I still think Youngblood is better.
Except for the 5 or 6 funny scenes, Slapshot is boring. It really is. I can't watch it over and over like I can Youngblood.
Youngblood has great music, a great portrayal of hockey (esp. junior A), sweet montages, and of course Swayze.
this is the best hockey movie ever, followed closely by Sudden Death
shareI agree with the poster 4 replies back... I put Mystery, Alaska in the top 3, along with Slapshot 2(for some reason I liked it more than 1) and the Tv movie Canada - Russia 72', thats a good movie, with the best soundtrack for any hockey movie. Ever.
shareI wanted to choke you both until yo mentioned the Summit Series. The TRUE miracle.
I assume you all haven´t seen "The Rocket" (Maurice Richard). I like "Youngblood" because I love hockey but that´s it. Basically it´s just not a good movie. "Slapshot" is a better one but I have always been a great fan of Paul Newman I must admit. Well, if you like hockey watch "The Rocket", by far the very best hockey movie ever and if you don´t like hockey, watch "The Rocket"...
shareNotWhen there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...
Whatsa matter Youngblood? Forgot your balls?
Sit down and shut up, fat ass!
Living in the penthouse must be nice, but it's a shorter fall from the basement. -Florida Evans
I enjoy Youngblood, but come on Slapshot is the Gone with the Wind of Hockey movies. Miracle is good too but I prefer Miracle on Ice the tv version, thatone had actual Olympic footage of the games (which I saw as a Kid at the time)
Mystery Alaska stills holds a special placein my heart, I would love to live in a town where I have to skate to get to work or is entirely based around a weekend game :)
Youngblood though is a great film...just never understood the close up of the pentalty shot as it spins on the already had gone in and then dropped already counted :P
Suspense not required :P
Slapshot is more of a comedy. Youngblood is the most accurate film in terms of the life of a junior hockey player.
shareMystery, Alaska and Miracle are the best hockey movies. Slap Shot was a steaming pile of feminist cat shit, Youngblood was gay as a rainbow, and the Mighty Ducks movies were cheesy kids' movies.
shareThis is a good one however my favorite hockey movie is Friday the 13th part 3, because that is the one when Jason finally puts the mask on