Dusk 'til Dawn?

Am I the only one who thinks Dusk 'til Dawn rips this movie off big time? An evil, ancient vampire queen runs strip-club/vampire feeding house? Even the vampires look the same...


yeah, i think you are on to something. Tarantino & Rodriguez would have know about VAMP for sure.


Yeah, the plot is same but one things for sure Tarantino could never write or direct such a wicked film, he as no talent. He annoys me cos he rips off films he thinks no one will ever seen and takes credit for them. A true celluiod hack (Rodriguez ur in the same league). Dusk til dawn was a bit of a mess. Vamp is a masterpiece. Id even go as far to say its better then Fright Night. I've been a fan for twenty years and i love it, still holds up today. Wish there was sequel. Richard Wenk if you read this Vamp 2 please. You write, i'll direct.

"There goes Vegas"


one thing I didn't like about dusk til dawn is that the head vampire is one of the first to die; and in vamp, shes the last which is how it should be...


Exactly!!! If the head vampire dies, they all die. Guess Tarantino didn't watch "The Lost Boys" when he was watching vampire movies to rip off for "Dusk till Dawn."


If the head vampire dies, they all die. Guess Tarantino didn't watch "The Lost Boys" when he was watching vampire movies to rip off for "Dusk till Dawn."
Not all vampire flicks need to follow the same rules.

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I'd go as far to say that your personal opinion is that Vamp is a better movie than fright Night... Both movies are amazing in their own way, I personally love Fright Night and its sequel more then Vamp but it was very entertaining, bloody and funny.


Vamp, Fright Night, and Lost Boys are all classics in my book. I've watched them all many times.

Dusk 'til Dawn - I watched once, it was just ok.


I watched From Dusk til Dawn five times...and it never got good. How do you mess up a concept, "Bank robbers fight off vampires in a seedy mexican bar"???? That movie is flat soda. Hell, the S2V sequel Hangman's Daughter was better.

After watching Vamp, I liked FDtD even less. Vamp reigns.

He asked us, "Be you angels?"
and we said, "NAY, we are but men," ROCK!


Eh. I like both movies. I don't like having to play favorites.



This movie did make me think of FROM DUSK 'TIL DAWN.

For DEMONIC TOYS and updates on Full Moon Films:


How is that in any way similar to "From dusk till dawn" ??????


How is that in any way similar to "From dusk till dawn" ??????

Because people go to a strip club type place that turns out to be a hideout for vampires. The little things can scream big words.

For DEMONIC TOYS and updates on Full Moon Films:


hahaha.... GOOD POINT! Duh?


I didn't think "Fright Night" was what you would call a great film. It's ok but doesn't quite stand the test of time like say, "The Lost Boys" which in it self wasn't bad but hardly the best film in the world. "The Lost Boys" had the distinction though of having three amazing characters. The Frog Brothers who were inspired and Granpa who was beautifully eccentric. All three of the actors in that film played those parts brilliantly. You couldn't help but fall in love with Granpa, well i couldn't.

I haven't seen "Vamp" in years and I was a kid when I saw it but given the bad word spread about the movie my hopes wouldn't be high for it although I'm not stupid enough to go by what the majority says. And if the majority of people were anything to go on IMDB were to go by I should like the orginal 1978 version of "Dawn of the Dead" which in my opinion was utterly awful. Oh and btw I happened to quite like "From Dusk to Dawn" and I agree with what one of the posters on here stated. Not all vampire movies have to follow the same rules.


Yeah there were definite similarities you could see they took a lot of ideas from this film even the make up for the vampires look pretty much the same


While there is that one glaring similarity with the strip club, at the end of the day these movies couldn't be more different. I think "ripped off big time" is a bit much.

Back off! ...Way off!


Its not "one glaring similarity" - its the entire premise of both movies. Not to mention the entire part about the club being run by a "queen" vampire who is also the star dancer.

I mean, thats a pretty specific storyline. Certainly QT switched some characters around and moved the setting to Mexico and also added some characteristic QT violence, but overall its the same story.


And was a big inspiration since it is a cult classic.

"There was no way i'm walking around this place with my dork hanging out"-Heavy Metal.




quentin tarantino himself fully acknowledges that from dusk til dawn was completely inspired by vamp.


In this case, I think "inspired" is the PC way of saying "I just completely remade this movie, but changed the location and added bank robbers."


He must have been watching a Grace Jones marathon, because the next movie she appeared in after Vamp was about, guess what, bank robbers hiding out in the desert. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0094048/

"We don't make movies for critics, since they don't pay to see them anyhow." - Charles Bronson


Looking at old posts and just found this reply.

Awesome, just awesome.



Robert Kurtzman wrote From Dusk Till Dawn, Quentin just adapted the screenplay. Kurtzman helped out with Reservior Dogs so FDTD was a favor in return.

So if your going to bash FDTD at least bash the right people.



Lucas, Allen, Scorsese, Eastwood, etc. all borrowed from the filmsone time or another so please STFU about QT. To say it's old would be an understatement.
