MovieChat Forums > Under the Cherry Moon (1986) Discussion > Never intended to be in color

Never intended to be in color

I've read a lot on the Internet about how this movie was originally filmed in color and then transferred to black-and-white. Some people seem to be under the impression that the film was intended to be in color and then Prince changed his mind at the last minute and had it processed into black-and-white on a whim.
I'm sure this was not the case. Black-and-white film stock was virtually impossible to get by the time this film was made. The few films that were presented in black-and-white during this time period were usually filmed on color stock with the intention all along of processing in black-and-white. The color cinematography was designed from the start to look good when processed black-and-white( and might actually look weird in color).

And besides, part of the reason why the film is so absurdly funny is that it's a take off of old corny black-and-white movies with two (then) modern black hipsters at its center. It had to be black and white.




I saw this in the movie when it came out. I remember the only color part in the movie was the Warner Bros. logo at the beginning in which it gradually changed to black and white at that point.


movie was awful. I suffered through it once. never again. the bathtub scene was the worst


I thought it was initially weird, but at the time it came out, Prince was the hot ticket. We all knew it wasn't going to be a block buster, but being a youngin' and loving any and everything Prince at that time, I enjoyed it for what it was. I remember my mother hating it. Watching it now, it's corny of course. But it does have some charm still after 30 years.


Back in the day, I remember a music TV program host in Australia speaking about this movie. I quite categorically remember her saying about how the movie actually goes into color at the very end, with this having something to do with an actual cherry moon. Now after all these decades I have finally seen this unfortunate travesty of a movie, but there was no such scene at all. Was the version shown at cinema's slightly different to what is available today? Was there actually a color sequence in the original cut of the movie?
