Is this close to as funny as Troll 2?
Troll 2 is hilariously bad. Is this also hilarious?
shareThis one actually comes out as marginally competent. Not good, mind you, but competent.
This one I was able to watch all the way through without getting bored. For the most part the director had an idea of the limitation of his budget for make-up and FX (though I do say 'for the most part'). Troll 2 FXs and make-up were horrible, and I was getting bored several times. The cast in here isn't particularly likeable, but the cast of Troll 2, particularly the family, are loathsome. Here they're just kind of goofy and generic. Likewise plot, script and direction to not overwhelm. They simply don't do much of anything.
Damion Crowley
"The Captain doesn't move too far; just far enough until he finds a fish"
Yeah, while Troll 2 is famously bad, the first one is no worse than a million other moderately crappy B-grade fantasy/monster movies from the 80's.
shareI definitely didn't find Troll to be as funny as Troll 2 but it was definitely still entertaining and easy to make fun of haha Nothing compares to Troll 2 though:)
shareTROLL is good. TROLL 2 is just awful. And not funny at all.
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many disagree
shareThis is not nearly as painful. If I recall correctly, the people who made Troll basically had no knowledge of the existence of Troll 2 until it had already been inflicted upon the innocent viewer.
Oddly enough, though, I did buy them as a 2-for-1 DVD pack.
(Also, there are no actual Trolls in Troll 2.)