MovieChat Forums > Troll (1986) Discussion > J. K. Rowling Must Have Gotten The Name ...

J. K. Rowling Must Have Gotten The Name Of Her Famous Character.....

from this old film from 1986. It's no coincidence.

Come to Middle-earth, a world beyond the furthest reaches of your imagination


The fact that his mentor is a witch who is helping him defeat a troll that was once a sorcerer only seems to make it more likely.

Can you quack like a duck when you suck?


indeed,.i don;t buy her whole..coincedence ..i just thoguht it up thing... Im sure she saw this on TV backin the day and figured oh noone saw this movie or rememebrs it and took plots from it... hell my brother has noticed similarities in the movie Ghoulies as well..



Finally someone else noticed this. I've been trying to get info on this to post all about how she stole it from another movie.


Rowling was much more likely to have gotten the name from a episode of Monty Python that predates troll by over a decade. This is the very first paragraph from the very first Harry Potter book -
Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much. They were the last people you'd expect to be involved in anything strange or mysterious,

And from episode seven of Monty Python, broadcast in 1970 (and frequently repeated on UK TV since)

It was a day like any other and Mr and Mrs Samuel Brainsample were a perfectly ordinary couple, leading perfectly ordinary lives - the sort of people to whom nothing extraordinary ever happened, and not the kind of people to be the centre of one of the most astounding incidents in the history of mankind ... So let's forget about them and follow instead the destiny of this man ... Harold Potter,

Rowling has stated previously that she is a fan of Monty Python. Either way though it's irrelevant - why would she steal a a name? It's literally the easiest thing to invent, especially a name as bland as Harry Potter, and borrowing a name hardly helps with a seven volume story does it. It's like claiming a scientist plagiarises another's work because they use the same font as them - the name is an irrelevant detail.


I think JK Rowling also got the idea for Harry Potter's physical appearance from Nightmare On Elm Street 3 (which was released just a year after Troll). In that film, there's a character known as "The Wizard Master", and he happens to have dark hair and glasses.


The filmmakers think so too! They are coming out with a new movie

Filmmakers Claim 'Harry Potter' Lifted Ideas From Their 1986 Film


Let's not forget that this movie has June Lockhart in it. That seals the deal, Rowling is evil, cancel everything Harry Potter, burn it and remove it from everybody's memories with memory zappers. Lol jk.


She also stole the word "muggles" from some kids book.

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