Really enjoyed this film!
When I was about 10 or 11 my older cousin took me to the video shop and let me get out two films. The first was Legend and Troll was the other one.
I recall actually enjoying both films immensely and I've seen the classic Legend many times but I decided to revisit Troll for the first time in about 28 years.
My expectations were quite low but I was very pleasantly surprised. I like contained films and this film had a contained set of the building and created a nice little setting for the film.
I honestly found it very charming and it even made me jump at one point. The Troll costume and design was excellent and (with a little stretch of the imagination) I liked the concept of the Troll and witch living in this little building as well as the Fairy Universe.
The acting was mostly awful, especially Anne Lockhart who was borderline atrocious. I never remember her being this bad in Battlestar Galactica but she was extremely hammy here. Strange then that her mother June was amazingly charismatic and full of personality in the film playing the older version of the same character and special mention must go to Phil Foncacaro in his duel roles as Malcolm and The Troll.
It's nice to see a little person actor actually get the chance to act on screen without makeup and honestly, besides June Lockhart he was the best thing in the film. It's sad his character never quite got a resolution but I like to think he just went and lived forever in the Fairy universe.
It's not a perfect film and there's tons of cheesy moments which focus a bit too much on the normal people but I found it strangely captivating and I'd actually have liked to have seen more of the Troll and his lore.
I think it'd be a good pseudo-horror film for older kids who are around the age I was when I first saw it (8-12) as there's no real swearing and no gore anywhere bar a few bizarre and slimy puppets.
Very good, I'll probably watch it again at some point which is more than I can say for most modern films.