I have been looking for this movie everywhere. One time i saw it at wal-mart for 10.00 dollars and i wanted to see it so bad. I had heard alot about it. Finally I found it about a week ago and i watched it. I really enjoyed it except for the scene with that girl(if you seen it you know what i am talking about).
Allright, I was also duped into seeing this. Thinking, "Hey, Ozzy and Gene Simmons! Sah-weet!"
It was lame, cheesy and everything in between. The Movie didnt even make any sense! "Oh okay, Im gonna kill myself, dupe some kid into reincarnating me,Im gonna raise some hell and kill some preppy kids.... JUST TO PLAY AT MY OLD HIGH SCHOOL! WHOO!"
I was hoping to see Gene and Ozzy in it for, Oh I dunno, MORE THAN 30 SECONDS EACH! I understand with some people, the worse the movie, the better. In this case: its almost unbearable. The only credit I give it, is that it is ALOT better than House of The Dead.
Have You Ever Danced With The Devil In The Pale Moonlight?
Sammi Curr, an electrical entity, was getting the beat down of his life by a toilet. Absurd as that is, the toilet was also filled with water, an electric conductor and the same thing that killed him. Lame, lame movie.